ninja_ardith wrote:
I actually found it quite funny this thread came from the same player that would charm people and force them to play pretty princess make-up, and then comes and complains when another player forces him to do something he doesn't want to do. I sort of feel that that was the point from the player that did it though.
Suck it, newb.
Those sessions lasted approximately 5-15 minutes. 450 hours is 8 hours + and is far easier to accrue with bounty NPCs in cities. Either you attack everything in the room simultaneously or you get spam reported.
Honestly, I have no idea why you guys whined so much about Alis. Most of the people she charmed kept their gear. My character was stripped before hand so that only added to the jailtime involved. I find it funny that the people who hate losing are the ones that hate being charmed. I don't mind being charmed and there being RP involved, even if it involves death. I can recover from that.
What you can't recover from is having to sit and stare at the screen for 8 hours or more because no one can break you out because of all the lighties around or that one [REDACTED] hat preventing your only hope of escape. It's especially worse since with the changes you can't even kill yourself to get out. It's abuse when I use the charm spell to actually RP, yet its not abuse to use it to intentionally grief people. Good reasoning there, hypocrites.