I knew twei with cully. I had not even a clue it was you Grelden. I forgot you even existed. I remember the actual Grelden, he was awsome. Twei was kinda cool. I wish I would have gotten to know him better.
Couple things to say about this post, first of all. I'm effing stunned *you* had probs getting into a faction of any kind. You are a great arpeer if I remember right. Secondly I don't think things are the way you say they are. These days your char can drop his pants and shout poo over and over and get into cabal. I donno how it got like this. No is almost never said.
As for MR it kicks [REDACTED] but I wouldn't even consider playing and mr warrior unless it was a griff barb. Warriors need to much healing and to many spell ups for it.
Lastly, I hope you come back with another.