Thanks to the
Mud with SOUND thread, decided to start making a customizable sound profile for SK! For it to work, you have to make a "Sounds" folder in the "ShatteredKingdoms" sub-directory.
All sounds I use will be added here as used.The customizable part is that all the sound file names I plan to give standardized names, so if you don't like one you can simply replace it with your own of the same name.
Currently it is in the bare basics phase, this is the working script I have as of five minutes ago:
#CLASS {SK Sound Protocol} {enable}
#TRIGGER {Welcome to Shattered Kingdoms.} {#PLAY WELCOME.wav}
#TRIGGER {You learn from your mistakes} {#PLAY SKILL_UP.wav}
#TRIGGER {You have become better} {#PLAY SKILL_UP.wav}
#REGEX {.*\[Scores\].*} {#PLAY INFO_DING.wav}
#REGEX {.*\[Attributes\].*} {#PLAY INFO_DING.wav}
#TRIGGER {You are hungry.} {#PLAY HUNGER.wav}
#TRIGGER {You are thirsty.} {#PLAY THIRST.wav}
#TRIGGER {You do not feel thirsty.} {#PLAY NO_THIRST.wav}
#TRIGGER {You are no longer hungry.} {#PLAY NO_HUNGER.wav}
#TRIGGER {Alas, all good things must come to an end.} {#PLAY END_GAME.wav}
All sounds here!Anyone who wants to help with this, please feel free to post a zMUD trigger script! I have a good idea what I would like to see with sound, but don't want to miss anything. Any help would be appreciated!
Also of note, zMUD apparently supports MIDI playback! Perhaps SK BGM will be the next project!
EDIT: Updated.