I'll count a positive comment as useful, even if not entirely germane to the topic.

Especially to counteract the votes that don't want me (although I included that option with you in mind, as I recall you've commented on my love of colored descs in the past, and wouldn't be surprised were you one of the votes

Glad to be back! I reckon (I confess?) SK owns a part of me, and if I ever get to missing that bit I get pulled back to Pyrathia. If we haven't all uploaded ourselves into some vast computer consciousness by then, rendering text-based gaming moot, I'll doubtless still want to MUD from a nursing home, gnarled arthritic fingers shaking over the keyboard as I type "emtoe" instead of "emote", still reminiscing about the good ol' days when people really RPed, not like the junk-loot-spit punks nowadays...
Also, somewhat more apropos, my Firefox refuses to acknowledge that any add-on might be available, let alone an Internet Explorer. This could be due to my sucky connection though.