o [Scores] Kyla, Sercin - High Priestess of the End of the River o
o Status: Grand Master(1) Race: Human Class: Priest o
o Kingdom: Ayamao Cabal: Independent o
o Coins: 4 platinum, 2 gold, 5 silver, 5 copper o
o Carrying: 2/16 items Load: 92.5/300.0 pounds o
o Health: Excellent Mental: Pulsating Physical: Fresh o
o Attribute points: 0 Wimpy: 0 percent Mode: Stun/defensive o
o You are standing.
o You are almost eligible for a level advancement.
o You have played 1355 hour(s) so far.
o You have 0 of 94 loyalty tokens available to spend.
Standing at around five foot two, her roughly chopped dark brown hair
streaked through with a smattering of blues and purples and the odd rogue
grey, this slight, petite woman looks a little rough around the edges.
Stormy bright blue eyes streaked throughout with silvery white lightning
strikes peer out from beneath a heavy fringe, piercing everything they
survey with alarming intensity. A tattoo begins behind her right ear,
reaching down to the center of her back, a simple wooden barrel, upturned,
spilling water in a crashing wave. A single white rose adorns the skin
behind her left ear, bedded on flames which seem, in certain light, to come
alive on her skin. Upon her chest is a simple black hourglass, half-filled
with golden sands, a third of which have tumbled to the lower chamber. Two
scarab beetles hold the hourglass in place, and a river flows in the
background, populated by many different coloured will-o'-the-wisps. There
are scars at the front of her neck, three straight lines which have almost
faded to match her pale skin tone. Laugh lines adorn the corners of her
full mouth, giving her a friendly appearance, though the swiftness with
which her smile can disappear hints at a temper and seriousness that one
might not suspect her of having, at first glance.
Well, I should have rolled her neutral, but I don't think I did -too- badly beyond that... *whistle*
I really enjoyed playing her but it just got to the point where it felt like she was done and I couldn't be bothered logging her half the time.
Much much love to Jaena, Kirlin, Vyraxi and Dalkar, for being her closest friends/drinking buddies. And to countless others who I couldn't begin to list.
Oh, and that Imm with the saluting penguins.