I empathize with Trag on this topic. The game needs villains that are willing to break laws, and also needs heroes that are willing to break laws (in evil kingdoms). It's not only the jail system, but the entire law system that is both very easily twinked around and yet at the same time extremely punishing to players who decide to break those laws for their characters' RP.
A single high murder or too many crimes means that you're going to be banished, and banishment means never entering the entire kingdom again without bounty NPCs being hot on your trail the entire time, which of course is a slippery slope that incurs only more crimes at an exponential rate: The more bounty NPCs you fight, the more you get reported and the more bounty NPCs you spawn, and it doesn't take long to get to the 3 bounty NPC per room quota. Even getting jailed and serving your sentence doesn't matter as a banished character, as bounty NPCs still spawn very reliably even for banished characters that have no crimes.
At the moment, there are only two main ways around this fate if you're playing a character who brings conflict in the form of PK. One is to twink the legal system so that you can manage to jloot people without the risk of banishment. This is actually obscenely easier, ironically, if your targets are tribunal members, because attempted murder/attempted mugging aren't reportable against trib members. Tolene spam stunning the HF of Alshain in the middle of Exile over a 3 minute timespan so she could junkloot her EQ in front of her is one example of this and Surrit stun-full looting Ghavorale in the middle of a crowded Nerinan square is another. Incidentally, the change to the poison spell which puts it on the fast affects system and also makes it inflict true damage is another twink around the "high-murder" banishment line. All of these tactics are bad, IMO, because they involve the sort of gameplay twinkery that would make any normal player want to just quit the game if they were used against them. The fact that joining a tribunal actually makes you -less- protected by the law code is the sort of logic that makes me want to wear my pants on my head.
The only other feasible way to avoid the inevitable deluge of 3 bounty NPCs per room spawns is to consistently empty the coffers of all of the kingdoms you are banished in. This is an exercise in frustration for everyone involved, and the fact that it's even an option is appalling, but it's still a more desirable option than trying to participate in tribunal PvP with auto spawning NPCs giving the defender an unbelievably huge advantage.
I have a solution against this that is two-fold. First, revert back to the law code where any crime at all allowed you to be banished, and make it so that crimes against trib members are reportable: But make it very clear from an IMM perspective that a trib leader who attacks people only to banish them for self-defense will be stripped of his leadership and ejected from the trib with an oathbreaker flag, and encourage people to log and report such events. Leaders who overstep their bounds should be the exception to the rule, not the rule itself. Making all crimes banishable removes the twinkish aspect of committing murder without "really" committing murder, and getting off scot-free. In fact, I wouldn't mind seeing some sort of delayed timer that allows a PC to be banished up to an IRL day after they've served time for their crimes just to prevent the stun/loot/serve-time-before-the-trib-leader-logs-on tactic, although that would certainly require extra coding that isn't as essential.
Part two of my solution is just as important, however; make bounty NPCs spawn based off of a fast-affects based timer connected to the CHARACTER who spawns them with a much lower cap than it currently is at: You should only be able to spawn one bounty NPC per person at a time, and it should be limited to one per minute per person, or one per thirty seconds per person. That way we can also put bounty NPCs back to their original types so that they are thematic again and more than just a roadbloack which serves no purpose other than to slow down the attackers while dying: Taslamars should be brought back to paladins, the Empire's back to the hellions, etc etc. The reason they were converted to the harmless sissies they are now is on account of the fact that they could spawn en masse and totally wipe an entire party without any PC interaction.