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 Post subject: Re: Warlocks and their potential
PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 1:24 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 24, 2002 11:51 am
Posts: 1500
Baldric wrote:
Druid or harlie warlock could be a 7, sure. These are combos worth playing. Otherwise, agree to disagree? Healing rays is definitely good, but there are a handful of classes I would rather have supporting my group in pvp.

You'd have to refresh my memory on why cone of cold is so strong now, though. I haven't played in a while. Did the spell just get buffed, or is this a side-effect of introducing AP enchants or something?

The 12/27/2011 update included a buff package for warlocks.

Dulrik wrote:
Warlock buff package:
- Buffs to chain lightning, fireball, magma spray, and cone of cold
- Elementals conditionally made more difficult to dispel
- Buffs to air and water elementals damage resistance
- Faerie fire removed from priests and awarded to warlocks
- Earthquake ignores magic resistance and protection
- Earthquake may cause victims to be knocked prone
- Added dig spell to find buried items and knock people prone
- Swap levels of burning hands and shocking grasp for warlocks
- Resist elements is no longer brew-able

The ability to switch from offense to support/healing with healing rays is why I rate warlocks so high in group PvP. They are better at group healing than real healers (priest/shaman) - can't get much more lol mode than that. It is a very good class, if you are a patient player. You might not score a kill every time, but you should almost never die.

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 Post subject: Re: Warlocks and their potential
PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 4:22 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:01 pm
Posts: 3527
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SK Character: Retired Troll
Hrm, well if those buffs were substantial, it would imo be fair to put warlocks in the middle of the pack, overall as a class. There are still a good few classes I would rather have supporting me in mid-to-large scale pvp, so 7 still seems appropriate, though I definitely see an argument for 8 if cone of cold can tear through groups the way call lightning does. bards and holy worders or a sorc are still more likely to turn the tide of a battle. Either way, it sounds like we mostly agree. Our main difference might be that I place huge value on solo pvp, which we agree is the warlock's weakest point.

Granted, I've never played a warlock, but I've also never had trouble running one off, except in the case of druid warlocks.

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 Post subject: Re: Warlocks and their potential
PostPosted: Mon May 20, 2013 5:04 pm 

Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 5:06 am
Posts: 1447
Location: Seattle
SK Character: Theodoric
once my gnome killed a deep-elf with lightning bolt quick nerf it

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 Post subject: Re: Warlocks and their potential
PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 4:31 am 

Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2008 6:04 pm
Posts: 1017
Kin wrote:
You guys are so fun to troll. It amuses me at how seriously you all take the game. Oh and for the record, buff warlocks plz. Magma needs to delete pfiles. That is all.

You're the one that went ape [REDACTED] about warlocks, and now that you are shown how much of a noob you are at the game, you try to turn it around on others? You should really learn to play before running your mouth off.

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 Post subject: Re: Warlocks and their potential
PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 7:13 am 

Joined: Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:32 am
Posts: 1097
Location: ima steal your underwears D:<
Kin, you know I love you and I like talking with you and I like playing with you, but boy do you ever need to learn to use the forums better. Amateur tip: always assume that the senior players know better than you do. The same does not always apply to immortals (with all due respect to the IMMs), but if a majority of senior players tell you that you're wrong about something then you should probably assume that you're wrong about it.

Also, it's totally okay to accept that you're wrong publicly, or at the very least respectfully disagree. When you insist that Finney couldn't kill anyone but noobs, you make yourself look bad because we all know that Finney killed the [REDACTED] out of everyone. When you go "oh, I was just trolling, you guys are so easy to mess with," we all know you were never trolling. Just go "all right, I guess I was wrong, thanks for the advice guys," or "I understand that you think I'm wrong about this, but I still think that this class is messed up because of X," or something, ANYTHING that doesn't make everyone you're arguing with go "jesus, this guy is out of it." I guarantee you that you'll get a much more satisfying experience out of the community that way.

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 Post subject: Re: Warlocks and their potential
PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 8:37 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 22, 2006 2:42 pm
Posts: 944
Buffs mitigate spell damage. Spell damage cannot be amplified as melee damage can except via faerie fire. A prepared merc as such in the situation above, becomes unstoppable by a warlock because it takes 25 casts to kill it, nevermind the fact they could have heal vials. In the situation, my character could have been twinked out in the best possible armor in the game, but without a dispel wand of overpowered proportions, there is 0 way to deal with that. Even an elemental with sanctuary, armor, protection and every defensive buff possible would not last long enough to kill it. You cannot realistically kite someone for 20+ spells. Is it sinking in yet? Believe it or not, yes warlocks DO have other spells than magma. Utilizing a racial weakness -should- be the choice path, not resorting to magma simply because it ignores MR / MP.

You seem to think that I'm wanting warlocks to be able to kill anyone without any preparation. That's not true at all. That fight SHOULD have been lost. They were better prepped than me, I GET THAT PART. The part that IS screwed up that I'm trying to bring attention to is the fact that spell damage can be mitigated by such an insane portion that you're left with no option to run. Warlocks do have some of the longest range, but in the wilderness they still only get 1 room away with lightning bolt. Fireball and chain lightning can't reach in the wilderness. In cities, it's all fine and dandy until you have guards chasing you and slowing you down. I'm talking about offensive capabilities here, not defensive. A defensive warlock has guards stopping enemies for them to attack from range. Anyone can play a defensive warlock, hell even I can as bad as you all say I am. Not to mention, remember the log when I drove Syn's necro out?

Against MR opponents, they absolutely destroy because they have no MP and little in the way of saves. Typically they aren't over buffed. What I'm talking about is the above to where you have someone so enchanted or spelled up that a warlock will -never- be a threat unless they're attacking into a city. For a helpfile that says devastating power, that's pretty damn misleading. Earthquake is a joke. Sure it knocks prone but nowhere near the length of bash and it does very, very little damage and is easily bypassed by flight. For all the vulnerabilities it should easily be doing 2-3x the damage. Oh just an FYI for an idea of how weak earthquake is, it takes about 80% mana on a sprite with max mana trains just to kill 1 or 2 NPCs with it. The spell itself casts absurdly fast, yes, but it hits all rooms often times drawing in more NPCs than you can handle. Oddly enough, earthquake ignores MR and MP as well I believe at least it's damaged golems that are purely MR which is weird.

Chain lightning and cone of cold are honestly fine. They hurt, do good damage as they should and magma is fine. Lightning bolt actually does more damage than magma after the magma clings. The only time magma does considerable damage is ON the cling. After that, lightning bolt, chain lightning or cone of cold are the choice spells because they cast faster than magma on top of doing more damage.

Again, it boils down to the fact that one can be enchanted and buffed to a point that spell damage does nothing. Necromancers deal with this by controls and animates. Sorcs deal with this by having access to charmed barbs. The only caster without a way to deal with it is probably priests but then again, they're meant to be a support class and harm does pretty good damage regardless. When you have a class that is specialized in damage dealing spells, they need to have a way to deal damage. Otherwise, all the preparation in the world wouldn't matter if you can't deal enough damage to force someone away from you. My elemental lasted 6 rounds unbuffed. That's quite a bit. It also leads me to believe the giant didn't have frenzy or haste or such. If it had sanctuary and protection, it would have lasted longer but stilll nowhere near the 20 rounds i'd need for enough bolts.

Magma might do more damage, sure. It has roughly a 2 round cast time as well. Given the situation, magma might do 10% and 25% on a cling in that situation. In which case, I STILL need 16-20 rounds or so (10 casts of magma, maybe 8 if one clings) so again, there is 0 chance of winning the fight. Sure, theorycrafting if I was prepared I could have a sleep staff, put him to sleep half way through, heal up my elemental and such and continue the fight. What's to stop them from using heal vials? Elementals can miss bashes and that's a possibility.

And finally, yes. I'm a noob. There, I said it. I've never denied it. But for gods sake stop focusing on THAT aspect and listen to what I'm saying instead of dismissing it for once. Warlocks have NO way to deal with highly enchanted opponents offensively. They are an offensive class. Spell damage should not be able to be entirely nullified by that point. It doesn't matter who was playing that character or what his kit was. There is no winning that situation ever, regardless of whether my character attacked first, the location or what have you. When your spells, a weakness of theirs, is doing 4% damage, you can't win. Period. End of story. No matter how good you are, they shrug it off, catch you, force you out of position and kill you. 0. Chance. Of winning. All your advice is pointless because it would not work in this situation. I'm not saying their spells need to be stupidly overpowered. They kill unprepared opponents just fine. They need a way they can reliably damage a prepared opponent.

With that being said, Id' like the imms to lock this account. I'm done posting on this [REDACTED] hole.

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 Post subject: Re: Warlocks and their potential
PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 8:40 am 

Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 5:06 am
Posts: 1447
Location: Seattle
SK Character: Theodoric
Kin wrote:
Utilizing a racial weakness -should- be the choice path

One time I used burning hands on a centaur and it didn't immediately delete his pfile. As centaurs are weak to burning hands I believe this is clear evidence that this low-level spell should be buffed immediately. Since fire is hot and centaurs have hair it should bash them and drain all their moves. They should also be forced to emote true fear of my devastating elemental ability.

Ok I will take some pity. Here is some honest advice. Stop being a newb and listen to what people are saying, for [REDACTED]'s sake. Instead of expecting lightning bolt (jman level) to be an I-win because omg, it's a giant, try using damage spells that you get at mentor+. News flash: Chain lightning, magma, and cone of cold vastly outperform lightning bolt.

Last edited by patrisaurus on Tue May 21, 2013 8:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Warlocks and their potential
PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 8:45 am 

Joined: Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:11 pm
Posts: 319
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The reason no-one listens is because you ignore every detail of the game when you post. For example saying that lightning bolt was only doing 4% damage is stupid. They had Devotion, which HALVES the damage. Therefore it is STILL doing 8% damage after all the buffs, but its only doing 4% TO YOUR "INTENDED" target. Stop talking stupid, people will stop thinking you are stupid.

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 Post subject: Re: Warlocks and their potential
PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 8:48 am 

Joined: Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:22 pm
Posts: 1648
We heard you the first time addict

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 Post subject: Re: Warlocks and their potential
PostPosted: Tue May 21, 2013 8:58 am 

Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 5:06 am
Posts: 1447
Location: Seattle
SK Character: Theodoric
I'm going to repeat this to you the way it sounds to see if I understand it correctly.

Kin wrote:
And finally, yes. I'm a noob. There, I said it. I've never denied it. But for gods sake stop focusing on THAT aspect and listen to what I'm saying instead of dismissing it for once.

"I admit that I'm not very good at playing my class and I don't know what I'm talking about but I still think I should be dictating gameplay changes."

Kin wrote:
Warlocks have NO way to deal with highly enchanted opponents offensively. They are an offensive class. Spell damage should not be able to be entirely nullified by that point. It doesn't matter who was playing that character or what his kit was.

"I want to ignore everything I can do well and focus on weaknesses because I think the class I'm playing should be able to take everyone at any time." (imagine if you will a paladin raging about not being able to stand up to an MR barb).

Kin wrote:
There is no winning that situation ever, regardless of whether my character attacked first, the location or what have you. When your spells, a weakness of theirs, is doing 4% damage, you can't win. Period. End of story.


Kin wrote:
No matter how good you are, they shrug it off, catch you, force you out of position and kill you. 0. Chance. Of winning. All your advice is pointless because it would not work in this situation. I'm not saying their spells need to be stupidly overpowered. They kill unprepared opponents just fine. They need a way they can reliably damage a prepared opponent.

With that being said, Id' like the imms to lock this account. I'm done posting on this love hole.

"Argle-bargle, glop-glyf"

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