Also, if you lose equipment, especially prior to GM, there are usually a few around that will be happy to help you get re-geared.
This was also said, but I will reiterate from the perspective of a very slightly 'older' newb: There are usually a couple of areas that are adequate at each ranking (veteran, expert, etc), just ask around in-game. I did, and was told things like "what status? okay, you can go here, here, or here."
Also, with your time constraints, see if there are one or two people that are usually on at your normal times, and ask them if they dont mind helping you blitz through 20 minutes of training. Training with someone doesn't HAVE to be hours in a row. But ya gotta ask, or we dont know what your agenda is
Also... pets! pets! pets! Particularly ones that can 'rescue'. If nothing else, this will get your attacker npc off your back long enough you maybe can flee away successfully. And find a priest to brew you some recall potions...and then dont forget you have them (like I do)... Especially if you're in an exploratory mood.