ObjectivistActivist wrote:
I don't have a problem with the policy. I'm just interested in equal enforcement on both sides of it.
Ironically, equal enforcement usually goes ignored. Last night, for instance, after some grumbling was heard about accusations of no-RP PK from both sides of the battle lines, I sent a simple, friendly reminder to 7+ people in multiple opposing factions that RP is required with PK, even during faction wars. It was a general reminder sent to all different factions online at the time, not targetting any specific individual or faction. No penalty or threat of penalty was offered or implied.
Yet, of course, several people wrongly assumed they were being picked on and mistreated, wrongly assumed imm bias against them and imm favoritism for their opponents. One lovely fellow was still sending snide prayers an hour+ later.
There is a lot more equal enforcement than is typically assumed. But maybe not everybody is necessarily invested in acknowledging that.