Though I don't really agree with Kaylow's explosive behaviour, I do understand where it comes from. One of you claimed he was ultimately responsible for this, I think he did something without realizing the impact it would have, and then was never given a chance to recover from it.
The bit about player courtesy is not entirely accurate. There are some players that will show great courtesy, and some that will not. Sadly for Kaylow, he ended up on the weaker team with a bunch of people that would spare no quarter set against him. That said, he didn't exactly handle himself like a champ either.
I liked Kaylow. He would have been a great character for many months still if he wasn't attacked from all angles and left with no friends anywhere. Though he didn't do much to try and keep friendships with a lot of people, we could all have been more understanding of his position. Ultimately, you play a game to have fun. It's certainly not fun to be scared of logging on.
I for one hope you stay away from SK Kaylow, not because I don't want you back, but because I believe after quitting a game like this, returning will only bring you more frustration, especially when you interact with players you believe responsible for what happened to this character.
Try another, friendlier MuD