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 Post subject: Algon-style Warrior
PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 6:35 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:18 pm
Posts: 1704
Build Name:
Algon-style Warrior

Build Overview:
An Algon-style Warrior is a mercenary, barbarian, paladin, hellion, rogue, or bard who uses a two-handed weapon, aims upper, and maximizes damage per round.

Build Pros:
a. This is the best build for 1v1 pk in the game.
b. Easy leveling.
c. Provides a reasonable method to deal with ethereal Fist members.

Build Cons:
a. Bad for tanking.
b. Requires more preparation than other builds due to several weaknesses: equipment dependence, mood aggressive, and lack of shield use.
c. Less utility than some other builds, such as range mercenaries, fist warriors, magic-resistant-race warriors, and MR barbs.

Character Creation:
Races have seven differences: size, stats, slots, innate skill/spells, resists/vulns, natural armor, and race-specific equipment. As an Algon-style warrior you want to maximize size, maximize slots (for better tanking), and prioritize stats in this order - str/dex/con/hp/cha/wis/mov/int/mana. My top picks for race are giant and human, but any race is fine as long as you avoid griffon (lack of slots), dwarf (halfling is better), and sprites (lack of damage).

This is really about personal preference. Any class with third attack can be turned into a viable Algon-style warrior.

Alignment, Religion, and Tribunal:
Just ignore this stuff. Weapon considerations may play a role in some of the issues at play here, because some weapons are restricted to certain alignments/classes, but don't overthink it. Don't overthink the spirit aura stuff.

The only three cabal abilities that impact damage/round for an Algon-style warrior are horsemanship, emperor's favor, and harlequin dance. Don't overthink it - utility gems such as mimic are equally as important.

This build is extremely easy to level with. When leveling, worry less about accuracy and more about damage/speed. It is very helpful to use an enchanted weapon. It may also be helpful to use a cold-iron weapon. I use newbie/skybolt/caverns/haven/chibunei/morea/orcs/garazul/gypsy/chancel/valley/elisair/circle/tlaxcala, or some version of that with slight changes.

Armor protection enchantments matter more than you think they do. Do your best to find reasonable innates for fort or will, and then make sure to pound out a lot of enchantments to increase tankability.

How to Maximize Damage:
Right before you go into battle, you should use every tool at your disposal to increase your damage: your size, your stats, your weapon: subtype/damage type/material/special/condition/enchants, affects, the level of your affects, mood, aim, class-specific skills, and mastery of skills.

I have not played in the last several months, and subtype characteristics have been known to change without patch notes, so I am not the best authority on this. Most recently I have used halberd and greatsword, but there are other reasonable options. Lean towards a weapon with a high damage and accuracy and get your speed elsewhere. Because spells in SK that influence dps provide flat bonuses rather than percentage bonuses, weapons with low stats in particular areas receive a proportionally higher benefit from spells than weapons with similar damage/accuracy/speed. To simplify - using haste to go from 3 attacks to 4 is a larger dps increase than going from 4 attacks to 5.

Damage type:
Always use a weapon that does 'normal' damage as opposed to 'special' damage. AP reduces both normal and special damage, but MP and MR only reduce special damage. I wouldn't worry about the slash/pierce/blunt stuff.

There are four materials worth using: cold-iron and mithril/adamantite/diamond. Cold-iron provides a damage bonus versus a substantial proportion of players, and ironguard is a relative rarity. The differences between mithril, adamantite, and diamond are not important.

There are four special considerations when thinking about the weapon you will use: massive, reach, availability, and one-handedness (merc-only consideration).

Unless you have a great reason to try something else, using a massive weapon is the smart thing to do.

Reach is more complicated. The basic debate is increased damage versus utility. As far as the damage goes, in addition to the fact that non-reach subtypes often have better base stats, Dulrik is not clear about what the coded costs are to using a reach weapon in the front row against another front row target. There are veterans who believe this is associated with a reduction in speed or accuracy. One could originally 'disband' their group to avoid this cost, but it seems like that has been changed as of MAR2014. Having a reach weapon wielded is almost definitely the safer bet, but I think other veterans overstate the importance of having a reach weapon over having a non-reach weapon.

Availability is a huge concern when picking a weapon. The weapon you select should have extremely easily attainable cold-iron, mithril, diamond, or adamantite versions of it, because you will want to pick a weapon that you can easily blow up during enchanting. The benefit of picking a halberd or greatsword is that buyable cold-iron versions of it exist, so getting 8+ enchantments on a weapon is possible with only a handful of hours invested.

One-handedness is an interesting plus to certain weapons. A few subtypes have both one-handed and two-handed versions, which can be nice for a character with limited specialization slots.

The condition of your weapon greatly impacts the damage you deal. Repair your weapon every time it drops from perfect condition.

It is easy to push for 8+ enchantments on a weapon if you don't care about blowing the weapon up. I routinely would have 10-14 damage enchantments on weapons I used. The key to getting high enchantments is not one ball-buster session, rather, it is to start with one reasonably enchanted weapon, with, say, 5 damage, and to blow up unenchanted copies of that weapon until you get one with 6 enchantments, and to repeat that process until you get a 10-14er. I think that high level haste is sufficient for weapon speed and focus on damage, but there is a reasonable argument to be made that speed is worthwhile.

Do your best to keep up bless/frenzy, nofly, haste, giant strength, and warpath when you think you are about to enter a battle. Detect magic is a useful one as well, because it lets you see whether your enemies are enchanting their armor and whether they have sanctuary up. Make sure your affects are as high level as possible.

Mood, Aim, Class-specific Skills, and Mastery of Skills:
Relatively self-explanatory. Use your mood and aim to maximize dps, and if you have any relevant class-specific skills (specialize, fury, songs of war, songs of sleep, bash, trip, eparry vs fists, etc.) then you should use them. Make sure your offensive skills are mastered.

Don't want to overdo this first post with too much information, but I'm happy to answer questions in the thread. I have attached a couple of flattering portrayals of this build vs. other melee builds.

Giant hammer mercenary with a cold-iron halberd wrote:
> portal
A spirit steed emerges from the mystic portal.

A circle of stones
Amid the amber fields of Taslamar, this small clearing is
cf4py home to the renowned portal stones, of which several scatter the

f*- realms. Brave souls have been known to utilize the arcane power
ffy that is bound to the stones, travelling to far lands in the blink
of an eye. At almost opposite sides of the clearing, two roads

meander away. To the north a gleaming white watchtower rises out of the
vast grassland that surrounds it. It's snowing lightly, well past
freezing, and very windy.
Obvious exits: n e s w nw ne sw se rift portal
A magical rift is glowing violently in the mid-air.

(Glowing) A mystical deep red portal flickers in the midst of the stones.
A set of rune-inscribed stones frame the center of the clearing here.
(Charmed) A spirit steed is here mounted by you.
A wolf-like creature stands here, snarling and spitting in rage.

A wolf-like creature stands here, snarling and spitting in rage.
(Invis) An authoritarian male human is flying here.
A wolf-like creature stands here, snarling and spitting in rage.

A dirty male minotaur is flying here.
(Invis) A nervous male human is flying here.
A noble, white horse emerges from the mystic portal.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 96%]

> portal

A nervous male human trips a spirit steed sending him to the ground.
A nervous male human fades into existence.
A spirit steed is momentarily stunned as he hits the ground hard.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 96%]

> Your ride needs to pick itself up first.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 96%]

A dirty male minotaur brandishes the tiny sceptre of a pixie queen.
Pink flames surround a noble, white horse.
Pink flames surround a spirit steed.

Pink flames surround you.
You slash a nervous male human's head, tearing open a bleeding wound!
You slash a nervous male human's mouth, knocking out a few of his teeth!
You slash at a nervous male human's chest, causing a deep gash.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 95%]

> quaff word
You quaff a violet vial of word of recall.

A circle of stones
Amid the amber fields of Taslamar, this small clearing is

cf4py home to the renowned portal stones, of which several scatter the
f*- realms. Brave souls have been known to utilize the arcane power
ffy that is bound to the stones, travelling to far lands in the blink

of an eye. At almost opposite sides of the clearing, two roads
meander away. To the north a gleaming white watchtower rises out of the
vast grassland that surrounds it. It's snowing lightly, well past
freezing, and very windy.
Obvious exits: n e s w nw ne sw se rift portal

A magical rift is glowing violently in the mid-air.
(Glowing) A mystical deep red portal flickers in the midst of the stones.
A set of rune-inscribed stones frame the center of the clearing here.
(Charmed) (Pink Flames) A noble, white horse is here, fighting a nervous male human.

(Charmed) (Pink Flames) A spirit steed is lying here prone.
A wolf-like creature stands here, snarling and spitting in rage.
A wolf-like creature stands here, snarling and spitting in rage.

(Invis) An authoritarian male human is flying here.
A wolf-like creature stands here, snarling and spitting in rage.
A dirty male minotaur is flying here.
A nervous male human is here, fighting a spirit steed.

A noble, white horse disappears.
A noble, white horse appears in the room.
A spirit steed disappears.
A spirit steed appears in the room.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 61%]
A nervous male human's life drain barely touches a spirit steed's head.

A nervous male human causes a spirit steed some slight wounds as his life drain twists his chest.
A nervous male human's life drain barely touches a spirit steed's chest.
A nervous male human dodges your attack.
You slash a nervous male human's chest, causing a gaping wound!
You strike suddenly, slashing at a nervous male human's chest! Some GUTS fall!
You strike suddenly, slashing at a nervous male human's chest! Some GUTS fall!
You slash a nervous male human's windpipe, resulting in a shower of BLOOD!
Overall, a nervous male human looks pretty hurt.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 60%]
> ne
No way! You are still fighting!

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 60%]
> i
You are carrying:

8 copper coins
a single silver coin
a single gold coin
a fish-shaped vial of stone skin

a tiny diamond vial of spirit aura

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 60%]

A nervous male human's life drain strikes a spirit steed's head.
A nervous male human's life drain skims a spirit steed's chest.
A nervous male human's life drain makes a spirit steed's head twist with unholy energies.
You slash a nervous male human's chest HARD, cutting through his ribs!
The armor of Spartan Samtavan falls off from a nervous male human.
You slash a nervous male human's chest. A nervous male human falls on his knees and collapses.

A nervous male human is DEAD!!
A nervous male human's hand is skillfully severed from his arm.
A barghest wanders away.
A noble, white horse bites at a barghest's left toe, cutting it slightly.

Overall, a barghest has a few scratches.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 60%]

> quaff spi
You quaff a tiny diamond vial of spirit aura.
The spirits of your ancestors surround you protectively.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 60%]

A barghest chomps at a noble, white horse's chest, barely wounding her.
An authoritarian male human fades into existence.

An authoritarian male human's life drain skims a noble, white horse's waist.
A noble, white horse bites at a barghest's stomach, barely wounding him.

A noble, white horse bites at a barghest's chest, barely wounding him.
You slash at a barghest's head, leaving a big scar across his face!

You slash a barghest's chest, causing a gaping wound!
You strike suddenly, slashing at a barghest's chest! Some GUTS fall!

You slash a barghest's jaw, breaking it with a loud *SNAP*
Overall, a barghest looks pretty hurt.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 59%]
A spirit steed regains his footing.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 59%]
> l

A circle of stones
Amid the amber fields of Taslamar, this small clearing is
cf4py home to the renowned portal stones, of which several scatter the
f*- realms. Brave souls have been known to utilize the arcane power

ffy that is bound to the stones, travelling to far lands in the blink
of an eye. At almost opposite sides of the clearing, two roads
meander away. To the north a gleaming white watchtower rises out of the

vast grassland that surrounds it. It's snowing lightly, well past
freezing, and very windy.
Obvious exits: n e s w nw ne sw se rift portal
The corpse of a human is lying here.
The severed hand of Deamuce is here.
A suit of ancient black armor.

A magical rift is glowing violently in the mid-air.
(Glowing) A mystical deep red portal flickers in the midst of the stones.
A set of rune-inscribed stones frame the center of the clearing here.
(Charmed) (Pink Flames) A spirit steed is here mounted by you.
(Charmed) (Pink Flames) A noble, white horse is here, fighting a barghest.

A barghest is here, fighting a noble, white horse.
An authoritarian male human is here, fighting a noble, white horse.

A barghest is here, fighting a noble, white horse.
A dirty male minotaur is flying here.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 59%]

A dirty male minotaur starts to concentrate.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 59%]

> kill dirt
They're well guarded.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 59%]

A barghest slams into a noble, white horse and sends her sprawling!
A barghest's bash knocks the wind out of a noble, white horse.

A barghest chomps at a noble, white horse's head, causing a small scratch.
A barghest chomps at a noble, white horse's chest, causing only a minor wound.

An authoritarian male human's life drain strikes a noble, white horse's waist.
An authoritarian male human's life drain skims a noble, white horse's chest.
An authoritarian male human's life drain strikes a noble, white horse's right arm.

A barghest chomps at a noble, white horse's chest, causing a deep gash.
A barghest chomps at a noble, white horse's head, causing a pulsating wound.

A barghest chomps at a noble, white horse's right ankle, gashing a small wound.
You strike suddenly, slashing at a barghest's chest! Some GUTS fall!

You raise your weapon and slash it deep into a barghest's chest!
You slash a barghest's head. A barghest falls with a blank look on his face!

A barghest is DEAD!!
A barghest's tail is skillfully severed from his body.

You junk a corpse of a barghest.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 59%]

A dirty male minotaur utters the words, 'grzzs'.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 59%]

A dirty male minotaur soars south.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 59%]

> flee
You ride a spirit steed east.

A Narrow Trail
This small road cuts its way through the lush wilderness of
pyy Taslamar. The trail is narrow and is barely wide enough for a

?*cf4 wagon to pass from the city of Exile to the lake town. Packed
fyy earth makes up the foundation of this road causing the travelers
to often kick up clouds of dust in their wake. It's snowing

lightly, well past freezing, and very windy.
Obvious exits: n e s w nw ne sw se
(Charmed) (Pink Flames) A spirit steed is here mounted by you.
Run away! Run away!

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 58%]

> w
You ride a spirit steed west.

A circle of stones
Amid the amber fields of Taslamar, this small clearing is
cf4py home to the renowned portal stones, of which several scatter the

f*- realms. Brave souls have been known to utilize the arcane power
ffy that is bound to the stones, travelling to far lands in the blink
of an eye. At almost opposite sides of the clearing, two roads

meander away. To the north a gleaming white watchtower rises out of the
vast grassland that surrounds it. It's snowing lightly, well past
freezing, and very windy.
Obvious exits: n e s w nw ne sw se rift portal
A tail of a barghest is here.

The corpse of a human is lying here.
The severed hand of Deamuce is here.
A suit of ancient black armor.
A magical rift is glowing violently in the mid-air.
(Glowing) A mystical deep red portal flickers in the midst of the stones.
A set of rune-inscribed stones frame the center of the clearing here.

(Charmed) (Pink Flames) A spirit steed is here mounted by you.
(Charmed) (Pink Flames) A noble, white horse struts proudly here.
A barghest is here, fighting a noble, white horse.

An authoritarian male human is here, fighting a noble, white horse.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 58%]

> get all cor
There is too much chaos going on right now.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 58%]

> kill aut
You slash an authoritarian male human's chest, cutting a small but painful, wound.
An authoritarian male human's shield blocks your attack.
You slash at an authoritarian male human's chest, causing a deep gash.
An authoritarian male human's shield blocks your attack.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 57%]

A barghest chomps at a noble, white horse's chest, causing a gaping wound!
A barghest chomps at a noble, white horse's right arm, ripping flesh as if it were butter!

An authoritarian male human's life drain causes a noble, white horse's chest to warp weirdly.
An authoritarian male human's life drain starts to warp a noble, white horse's chest.
An authoritarian male human painfully distorts a noble, white horse's right arm with his unholy energies.

You slash an authoritarian male human's chest, causing a gaping wound!
You strike suddenly, slashing at an authoritarian male human's chest! Some GUTS fall!
You strike suddenly, slashing at an authoritarian male human's chest! Some GUTS fall!
Overall, an authoritarian male human has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 57%]

A dirty male minotaur darts in from the south.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 57%]

An authoritarian male human slams into you and sends you sprawling!
Your armor protects you from the physical affects of an authoritarian male human's bash.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 57%]

A barghest strikes suddenly, plunging at a noble, white horse's chest! Some GUTS fall!
A barghest chomps at a noble, white horse's right leg, causing a sore wound.

An authoritarian male human torments a noble, white horse as he BRUTALIZES her right arm with his unholy energies!
An authoritarian male human's life drain vitiates a noble, white horse, and she falls to the ground!
A noble, white horse is DEAD!!

You hear a noble, white horse's death cry.
One of your members has left the party.
An authoritarian male human junks a corpse of a noble, white horse.
A dirty male minotaur misses you.

You dodge a barghest's attack.
You dodge a dirty male minotaur's attack.
A series of fractures appears on a wicked-looking halberd!

You slash at an authoritarian male human's head, causing a small but painful wound.
An authoritarian male human parries your attack.
You slash at an authoritarian male human's head, leaving a big scar across his face!
You slash an authoritarian male human's chest HARD, cutting through his ribs!
Overall, an authoritarian male human has some big nasty wounds and scratches.

[HP:100%] [ME:100%] [PE: 56%]

Your ancestral spirits manifest, but a barghest charges through them.
Your ancestral spirits manifest, but a barghest charges through them.

Your ancestral spirits manifest, but a barghest charges through them.
Your ancestral spirits rain curses upon an authoritarian male human as he charges you.
An authoritarian male human's life drain skims your chest.
Your ancestral spirits rain curses upon an authoritarian male human as he charges you.

An authoritarian male human's life drain skims your left arm.
Your ancestral spirits manifest, but a dirty male minotaur charges through them.
You slash an authoritarian male human's chest HARD, cutting through his ribs!
You raise your weapon and slash it deep into an authoritarian male human's chest!
An authoritarian male human's shield blocks your attack.
Some gleaming silver-gilt curates, emblazoned with a circle of flame falls off from an authoritarian male human.

You slash an authoritarian male human's chest. An authoritarian male human falls on his knees and collapses.
An authoritarian male human is DEAD!!
An authoritarian male human's foot is skillfully severed from his leg.
A barghest wanders away.
Angry spirits manifest around a dirty male minotaur and rain curses upon a spirit steed.

A spirit steed scratches a dirty male minotaur.
Overall, a dirty male minotaur has a few scratches.

[HP: 97%] [ME:100%] [PE: 55%]

A dirty male minotaur darts west.
A dirty male minotaur has fled!

Human harlequin mercenary with a flamberge wrote:
[HP:100%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 53%]
> You ride a Taslamaran courser north.

The Common Room
You are in a long dormitory stretching north and south along the back of
the inn, lined with cots where the more frugal can rent cheap rest in
preference to the private suites of the upper floors. The floorboards
are bare, their varnish worn and scratched, but are kept swept clean
Obvious exits: s
The corpse of a half-elf is lying here.
The corpse of an elf is lying here.
( 6) A tiny tome has been left here in a corner.
(Charmed) A Taslamaran courser is here mounted by you.
Malandarith is here flying on a firebird.
A scarred female half-elf is here.
A brown-haired female elf is here.
An effeminate male half-elf is here, his form wrapped in a mysterious shroud.
A thin halfling is curled up asleep in a cot.

[HP:100%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 53%]
> kill brown-hai
Your aggressive move destroys your sanctuary spell!
The white aura around your body fades.
A brown-haired female elf yells 'Guards! Someone is trying to murder me!'
You are no longer invisible.
Your freezing bite burns a brown-haired female elf's chest.

[HP:100%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 53%]
Your freezing bite starts a brown-haired female elf's head on fire.
Your freezing bite starts to melt a brown-haired female elf's chest.
You massacre a brown-haired female elf's chest with your freezing bite.
You parry a brown-haired female elf's bare fist!
Your freezing bite starts a brown-haired female elf's right arm on fire.
Overall, a brown-haired female elf looks pretty hurt.

[HP:100%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 53%]
> bash
You slam into a brown-haired female elf and send her sprawling!
Your bash knocks the wind out of a brown-haired female elf.

[HP:100%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 49%]
Freezing cold kills a brown-haired female elf as she is enveloped in a block of ice.
A brown-haired female elf is DEAD!!
You hear a brown-haired female elf's death cry.

[HP:100%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 49%]
An effeminate male half-elf starts to concentrate.

[HP:100%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 49%]
> s

An effeminate male half-elf utters the words, 'pabraw'.
You moan and vomit as an effeminate male half-elf's spell causes your organs to twist!
You lose your concentration on mimic.
You regain your normal appearance.

[HP: 82%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 49%]
An effeminate male half-elf starts to concentrate.

[HP: 82%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 49%]
Your freezing bite lightly burns an effeminate male half-elf's head.
Your freezing bite lightly burns an effeminate male half-elf's chest.
Your freezing bite starts to melt an effeminate male half-elf's head.
Overall, an effeminate male half-elf has quite a few wounds.

[HP: 82%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 48%]
> bash
No way! You are still fighting!

[HP: 82%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 48%]
> You slam into an effeminate male half-elf and send him sprawling!
Your bash knocks the wind out of an effeminate male half-elf.

[HP: 82%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 44%]
Your freezing bite starts to melt an effeminate male half-elf's chest.
You massacre an effeminate male half-elf's head with your freezing bite.
You demolish an effeminate male half-elf's chest with your freezing bite.
Overall, an effeminate male half-elf looks pretty hurt.

[HP: 82%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 44%]
You miss an effeminate male half-elf.
You massacre an effeminate male half-elf's chest with your freezing bite.
Freezing cold kills an effeminate male half-elf as he is enveloped in a block of ice.
An effeminate male half-elf is DEAD!!
You hear an effeminate male half-elf's death cry.

[HP: 82%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 43%]
Malandarith punches at your chest, barely wounding you.

[HP: 80%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 43%]
> bash

Your freezing bite burns Malandarith's head.
Your freezing bite starts Malandarith's head on fire.
Malandarith's shield blocks your attack.
Malandarith punches at your left hand, ripping a small wound.
You dodge a firebird's attack.
Overall, Malandarith has quite a few wounds.

[HP: 78%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 43%]
> You slam into Malandarith and send him sprawling!
Malandarith's armor protects him from the physical affects of your bash.

[HP: 78%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 39%]
You evade a scarred female half-elf's bash and she falls flat on her face.

[HP: 78%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 39%]
Your freezing bite starts to melt Malandarith's head.
You massacre Malandarith's head with your freezing bite.
Malandarith slumps out of a firebird's saddle.
Freezing cold kills Malandarith as he is enveloped in a block of ice.
Malandarith is DEAD!!
You hear Malandarith's death cry.
A firebird wanders away.

[HP: 78%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 38%]
> kill scarred
Your freezing bite burns a scarred female half-elf's chest.
Your freezing bite starts to melt a scarred female half-elf's chest.
Your freezing bite burns a scarred female half-elf's head.

[HP: 78%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 38%]
> bash

You parry a scarred female half-elf's bare fist!
Your freezing bite burns a scarred female half-elf's left arm.
Your freezing bite starts to melt a scarred female half-elf's head.
You demolish a scarred female half-elf's chest with your freezing bite.
You massacre a scarred female half-elf's chest with your freezing bite.
Overall, a scarred female half-elf looks pretty hurt.

[HP: 78%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 37%]
> You slam into a scarred female half-elf and send her sprawling!
Your bash knocks the wind out of a scarred female half-elf.

[HP: 78%] [ME: 42%] [PE: 33%]
A scarred female half-elf misses you.
Rock-studded beardcatchers over dwarven plate falls off from a scarred female half-elf.
Freezing cold kills a scarred female half-elf as she is enveloped in a block of ice.
A scarred female half-elf is DEAD!!
You hear a scarred female half-elf's death cry.

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 Post subject: Re: Algon-style Warrior
PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 10:12 am 

Joined: Mon Dec 01, 2008 2:01 pm
Posts: 3527
Location: I'm in a glass case of emotion!
SK Character: Retired Troll
I just want to add to Algon's build by saying that this build is versatile. If you have to tank, you can grab an epee and a shield and use defensive buffs like anyone else. There's nothing special about the stat point arrangement or anything else that would keep you from having this option on the occasion where you do not want to just be a dps machine.

I would also strongly recommend against using melee as your main pvp tactic as a rogue.

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 Post subject: Re: Algon-style Warrior
PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 12:13 pm 

Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 5:06 am
Posts: 1447
Location: Seattle
SK Character: Theodoric
I really don't think that a 2h front row bard/rogue is the best build for 1v1 pk in the game for those classes.

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 Post subject: Re: Algon-style Warrior
PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:53 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:50 pm
Posts: 5522
This guide does not mention accuracy as a method for increasing damage in the "How to Maximize Damage" section nor at all in the "Enchantments" section.

Is accuracy not in fact a method to improve damage, particularly as a means of decreasing armor effectiveness, as claimed in Dulrik's previous code update posts?

If accuracy is in fact a method to improve damage, particularly as a means of decreasing armor effectiveness, as claimed in Dulrik's previous code update posts, why was this guide approved with such a glaring issue?

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 Post subject: Re: Algon-style Warrior
PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 1:39 am 

Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2005 11:29 am
Posts: 753
As the player of Malandarith, I have to say that is a horrid example. I don't get my gear enchanted. I don't bother preparing. You are likely to get better examples killing NPCs for your build.

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 Post subject: Re: Algon-style Warrior
PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:22 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:18 pm
Posts: 1704
grep wrote:
This guide does not mention accuracy as a method for increasing damage in the "How to Maximize Damage" section nor at all in the "Enchantments" section.

Is accuracy not in fact a method to improve damage, particularly as a means of decreasing armor effectiveness, as claimed in Dulrik's previous code update posts?

If accuracy is in fact a method to improve damage, particularly as a means of decreasing armor effectiveness, as claimed in Dulrik's previous code update posts, why was this guide approved with such a glaring issue?

My more detailed discussion on accuracy's impact on armor reduction is available elsewhere, but in summary:

I think accuracy allows cloth and light armor to be reduced to zero, but in an all-or-nothing nature. I don't think heavy armor can be reduced to zero. I think the only impact accuracy has on damage is that you must hit a certain accuracy number to 'find a chink in ones armor', or eliminate all of the AC your enemy is getting from the armor slot you just attacked. If someone is wearing heavy armor, they only lose half of the protection of their armor slot rather than all of it.

The only time you need to make a decision to prioritize accuracy versus damage/speed is when you pick the subtype of your weapon, you enchant your weapon, your mood, and your aim. I note in the leveling section that accuracy should play barely any role in your leveling strategy, as opposed to pvp, where it should play a role in weapon selection.

As far as enchanting goes, I have not played a class with enchant since the changes to enchanting. Another veteran noted that it appears to him to be more difficult to enchant a weapon for damage four times than it is to enchant a weapon for damage twice and accuracy twice. If adding the same enchantment is actually more difficult now, then a more balanced approach to enchanting is called for.

You should always aim upper, and you should always be mood aggressive. You will do substantially less dps if you do otherwise, so going into the blurry details are less necessary here.

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 Post subject: Re: Algon-style Warrior
PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:25 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:18 pm
Posts: 1704
patrisaurus wrote:
I really don't think that a 2h front row bard/rogue is the best build for 1v1 pk in the game for those classes.

I don't think a 2h front row mercenary is the best build for 1v1 pk in the game, either. I'd recommend using a tribunal NPC, using a pet, etc. Bards do more dps than hellions or paladins do. Rogues do the same dps that hellions and paladins do. They are underrated for melee. Obviously, no class should be walking around front row.

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 Post subject: Re: Algon-style Warrior
PostPosted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 4:31 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:18 pm
Posts: 1704
You want my guide to be much longer - I am flattered. But, there is no guide that is more comprehensive on game mechanics than my short post. You can complain that more information should be added, but neither you nor any other of the almost-vets have written something detailed or useful on mechanical issues. I created the weapon comparison list, and people complained that it didn't contain enough information when it came out, or that it was misleading. What have you ever contributed? Everything I wrote is good advice for beginners and veterans. I don't need to explain every aspect of a build. I noted, for example, that you should prioritize wis over int, and that you should pick aim upper over aim mid. If you are confused as to why I picked certain things, feel free to ask me for help.

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 Post subject: Re: Algon-style Warrior
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:48 pm 

Joined: Fri Apr 09, 2010 7:27 pm
Posts: 122
I'm a vet that's pretty much always played casters. Just wanted to say that even with some missing details, I've found this guide very useful. Thanks for this and the weapon comparison list, man.

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