Galthryn wrote:
This post is about wands wasting a charge even when you zap without a target, or when your target has left.
I'm a total noob when it comes to zapping wands. Finney has made some great triggers and aliases for zapping smart and generally managing your targets, but as I mostly play through the fmud client on the site, those aren't always available to me.
I was wondering if wands could be changed to check for target before being zapped, and saving the charge if there is no target there.
I can't help you when you're using the flash client. If you use zMUD, the following should help:
#ALIAS {j} {#IF (@ZapTarget=1 AND @ZapTarget!=self AND @Zaptarget!=insertcharacternamehere) {zap @ZapTarget} {#SAY ~>~>~>~>~>~>~> Think Again n00b! ~<~<~<~<~<~<~<;CO 11}}
#ALIAS {z} {#VARIABLE ZapTarget %1}
#ALIAS {x} {#UNV ZapTarget}