woahboy wrote:
No, there are ways to target him. Glance, info, look, consider. All tools available to newbs to solve this problem and figure out who's who if they're interested in learning to play the game.
Hell, the situation you just mentioned RP-wise seems like something that might reasonably happen in the chaos of battle.
Glance: only helpful if they are in formation, and even then only helpful if they are in different rows. Tribunal guards can all be out of formation. So this does not work.
Info: Same problems as glance when we are talking about people not in groups, gecko'ing trib NPCs and even 1v1 fights--it is very possible to target yourself with spells on accident when fighting 1v1 with someone using this ability (something that would be SO simply solved if SELF was the only available target for oneself... a few issues could be solved with such a simple (game perspective) change).
Look: was that a joke?
Consider: only minimally helpful. In a world of GM team fights including GM NPCs, this doesn't do much good. Even if it did, you're on your 4th command and still not bashed/dead?
And yes, I agree that from an RP-standpoint it could be understandable. The issue is not that it cannot be rationalized away, but that as a coded limitation gameplay suffers. If you see a peacekeeper soldier chopping up other soldiers left and right, you should be easily able to target him.