Edoras wrote:
I also don't ever bother trying to PK Ardith. That's one of the stupidest mistakes anyone can make, because the only time he'll ever allow himself to be engaged in PK is when he has an overwhelming numbers advantage or has no possible chance of dying, and if those conditions cannot be met, he'll either avoid you completely or log out. Given that SK's playerbase is dwindling, and it's much more likely that any random player will end up PKing against ardith, I'd also suggest they follow this advice.
Ardith hardly ever even plays. You need to pay more attention to the game to find out who the current hated figures are. Because now entire cabals log off for weeks at a time if there's even a chance that they might have to engage in PK, and not just a single person.
Okay Ardith, you were right and I was wrong. You DO have real-life haters.