Meissa wrote:
I absolutely agree that SK bow fighters are beyond any realistic expectation that one might have if they strapped on a quiver and went into combat. It's pretty wild to think that one could be dexterous enough to shoot a bow, reload and shoot again even one time in the same span as someone swinging an axe or a club.
30% accuracy completely sucks, and if it was levied upon our characters, I can only imagine the cries of "playability over realism" that would ensue. Another level of realistic penalties to bow fighters would be to add the chance to fumble your ammo ... also don't really want that feature added, either.
It would require a tremendous boost in the lethality of ranged attacks.
If we want to stack in this realism in relation to group formations, how about the chance of mis-fires? If you're targetting somebody in the first row, and you miss, do you accidentally hit the person behind him? If you miss a shot, do you accidentally hit ANYBODY else in the target's group? If you're firing ranged-combat at somebody who is engaged in melee-combat with another person, do you run the risk of accidentally hitting the person in melee with your target or somebody else in his group? We could see more deaths due to friendly-fire in SK....