Lumiere wrote:
Note: MR barbs do not count towards being useful. They are snowflakes. Don't make one.
Shamans are useful. There are two spells in the game that can be used by a tank for massive damage reduction. One is spirit aura and a shaman only brew. The other is the Aludra priest spell. If you can't provide one or the other to your tank, you are letting him down.
plz don't listen to this permanoob. not sure why u give advice like ur an authority - if u want to instruct players on how to whine about the staff then maybe.
mr barbarians are fine even in pve and border on op in pk. ur not supposed to be tanking with them, but sitting in the second rank with a massive and negating. having an mr barbarian around makes a lot fights trivial - the dream dragon comes to mind immediately.
I want you to heal them.