Meissa wrote:
When faced with such vitriol, name calling, and pretty much abject hatred for doing something we do out of love for the game during our spare time rather than for a paycheck at a 9-to-5, can you really be surprised that the heat in that thread got turned up? If that's the way the playerbase treats the staff, I can only envision a mass exodus as people get worn down quickly. We've seen it before. Even still, though, the thread represents a very vocal minority of the overall player base.
Just read a few more threads and I have to say:
I'm sorry that there are players out there that won't treat IMM staff with respect. It's one thing to voice constructive criticism, quite another to make wild accusations and call anyone who agrees with the staff a brown-noser (in less polite terms). I'll keep thinking about SK... just want to make sure I know what I'm getting into.
This is where the ability to separate the message from the messenger is crucial. I have nothing against syn, and although he has some very valid points about the game, I definitely wouldn't try to reason with him while he is in one of his moods.