Cordance wrote:
I have to say plague on a fountain is the biggest F you to newbies I can think of.
Plague on a weapon isnt so bad if you can land curse as well. With the recent change to items casting spells it seems kind of pointless to buff your weapon.
I agree with your first sentence. I really do not think it is worth risking punishment over plaguing fountains in high traffic areas. (Is this punishable?)
2 classes have the spell and only one of them can effectively use it since that class is directly wielding a weapon. Casting directly on weapon reduces chance of landing because art no longer applies. Using the spell opens yourself to contracting the disease itself which isn't really that consequential since the dex debuff isn't substantial. Not trying to be negative here, but I do not feel the spell accurately depicts the actual symptoms of black death (fever, chills, headache, weakness etc)
Its just a trolling spell for fountains.