Just so we're clear on who believes what:
Thuban wrote:
Please keep in mind that the purpose of these rules is to prevent people from wondering why they were attacked and to make sure everyone is having fun with PvP, to eliminate the "random gank" aspect of PvP from diminishing players' enjoyment (and if you like that aspect of PvP, there are options at SK for you anyway). It should be obvious to someone attacking a judge, tribunal guards, a cabal HQ or an orphanage that they're running the risk of being engaged by other PCs. That falls under Common Sense. Both sides will then deal with any IC ramifications of the exchange.
If some guy walks up and insults your evil character, you don't have to say, "I'm going to kill you now." You can just attack. The RP is done and everyone understands completely what is going on;
they should be very much aware they could be making themselves a target. Rule 1 has been enforced three times for PvP without RP by me and one player received a warning. In one case, the character logged in after being inactive for months and PK'd a character he had never interacted with. In another case, a player went around attacking multiple people at random, multi-logging in the process, thereby getting his characters retired, and later came back with a new character after all the previous ones had been retired and attacked someone in an inn with no prior RP. The player who received the warning was attacking people with a diabolic character, sometimes with RP, sometimes without it, but at least always RP after the incident.
At no point has anything beyond this been enforced. You could tell someone you're going to kill them if you want; that's a valid form of RP. You could just react to whatever it is they're doing that's antagonizing you. That's also valid, as in the necromancer vs. orphanage case that was brought up. You could have a conversation one day with them where they insult you and then later go back to get them. Any of this is fine, and the attacked party can be expected to understand why everything went down the way it did, because they were party to the RP involved. In the case of a guy going around attacking at random, no, they have not included the victims in any RP. As I have said multiple times now, that is the purpose of this rule.
The only thing that has happened is that I eased restrictions in the case of enmity and tribunal membership to essentially allow for the random gank in those cases. I figure if you're an elf and get attacked by a deep-elf, you understand why that just happened. Also, if you are in a tribunal you are broadcasting your intent to be involved in PvP to the entire who list and I assume you're ready for PvP, so you accept whatever happens after. I wanted to make it explicitly clear that random ganks in these cases are allowed, something that had never been made explicitly clear before.
If you look at what I've actually said and the enforcement actions I've taken as Rules Manager on this subject, I think you will see that there isn't a particularly strenuous requirement. But, as for the rule itself, I don't have a particularly strong opinion on whether it gets rewritten or how. I have a feeling we're on the same page with how this rule should work, so if the language needs to be updated to make it clearer, the staff certainly should and will do that.