Algorab wrote:
Would it help at all if there was a standard subject format, or something like that?
I wouldn't say so, honestly, because that still requires a lot more work than most people are (understandably) willing to put into posting quick snippets.
Take this quote for instance.
Kirsenvar wrote:
You point at a corpse of Silith.
A corpse of Silith spins crazily about and then hurtles off to the north.
I got a laugh out of that, because completely of context it's actually rather amusing. But I can honestly say that if I had seen a 1 post thread in my "view unread posts" lists called "Poltergeist looks hilarious" and then clicked that just to see a solitary post with no replies that consisted of an unedited common gameplay mechanic I would have been like 'eh'.
I remember getting excited to see when the old favorite quotes thread had 50 unread posts in it after I took a break. I can't say I'd be as excited to see 30 unread threads with 0-1 replies each in the Favorite Quotes forum: It just feels like a lot more work and ultimately it feels lonely.
What favorite quotes -used- to feel like (And given the activity in the last one that got shut down, could be again) was the standard IRC/discord chatroom where everyone just posted their stupid silly stuff about the game and it felt more friendly and inviting. I don't see the point of forcing the format of one quote per thread instead of just letting the players choose what they'd prefer.
To put it differently, Dulrik locked the last attempt at a mega-thread with this, and due to the lack of tone on the internet I honestly can't tell whether he's being completely genuine or whether he's being sarcastically insulting.
Dulrik wrote:
We have an entire favorite quotes forum now, so you no longer have to tack unrelated quotes onto an endless thread. Enjoy the luxury of an entire thread per quote.
That said, I'll assume he's being genuine and I'll respond genuinely.
Many players WANT to tack unrelated quotes onto an endless thread. It's more fun for them. Please let them (us) do that.There's a lot of people that
don't want to have to make an entire thread per quote, they just want to be able to post silly one-liners that don't have a lot of depth, and they feel marginalized and frustrated when go out of your way to prevent that while claiming to be doing them a favor.