TheX wrote:
The problem with creating an item to take care of a problem means that you limit the cure to one person, or you leave it open for someone to take and stuff in your pack.
You need to look at the solutions to these problems for the average player. You need to alter the area or code in order to let EVERYONE enjoy the benifit instead of pigeion holing it to one or two vets who can get the items and use them. They don't need help, your average player has to have something to contribute in order to make them useful.
Items can be made un-hoardable very easily. They can also be easy to get or hard to get. Or they can be questwalled, with the quest being easy to complete or hard to complete, with the items being easy to get and use again and again after the quest is complete. I like the idea of people investing a little effort into getting access to items, then having easy and repeatable access after that, such as in the various guilds in Teron. Players who stick to one character for a while may also like that; players who churn through a lot, probably not as much. Generally speaking, I have gotten positive feedback about the tweaks and additions that have gone into the Teron guilds over recent years, and there is still room to implement some more "items of convenience" along those same lines.
While the most elite items may always be limited and, as such, hoardable, plenty of very useful things can be made more accessible and un-hoardable.