Trosis wrote:
Just to clarify, in case my intent was miscommunicated.
I am not in favor of removing the ability for tribunal guards to use wands.
Sorry for trying to help. I’m out.
Perhaps I wasn't being very clear either, my take on what you were saying is that this issue is something intrinsic to the value of the action being taken. IE: People are going to abuse something this powerful if it's capable of being abused, and that's why you were instead offering ways to mitigate the impact, instead of addressing the abuse.
By that idea, if there are tribunal NPCs that can use these items, tribunal members are invariably going to leave them on the tribunal NPCs eventually, regardless of the reminders given by an NPC.
Taking away tribunal NPCs ability to use them would be one way to lower the incidence of leaving them on tribunal NPCs, and a way of addressing one form of the abuse. Rot timers, death rot, charge limitation, etc, there are a lot of other options that could address this and other forms, but they all have real costs to the usefulness of the items to everyone.
It would be preferred for characters to just let the items go away as intended, but you don't have anything to be sorry for, it's helpful to see reasons why that might not be happening as intended.