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 Post subject: Dig Two Graves - Bonanza - May 21st - May 28th
PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2020 1:06 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:48 pm
Posts: 314
"A cold wind is sharper than steel, but the suffering is much more exquisite."
- Matron Ventaro

Rumors have begun to circulate throughout Pyrathia of an imminent escalation of hostilities between some long-warring factions, but without more information it will be difficult for anyone to do more than brace for the worst.

Terrible weather, abnormally cold and full of ice, snow, and wind, has taken hold in the larger cities apparently starting with Sith'a'Niel. Only those larger gatherings that feature a form of natural protection seem safe from the onslaught.

After communing with the divine, it has been discovered that these storms may not be storms at all, as they do not answer Lady Luck's call, and that it is no true mystery as there are those in the realms aware of the cause of the wide-scale suffering.

The wise minds of Craeftilin have conducted large amounts of research into weather creation and manipulation in the past, and are quite sure someone or something is infusing vast amounts of divine energy into the world around the cities to impact the climate so widely, and to such extremes.

Both Vaerlain and Craeftilin have disavowed any knowledge of the attack itself.

A deep-elf has been spotted in multiple parts of the Pyrathia only to disappear after being seen in a cloud of ice and snow.

Multiple attacks have been made on the Matrons of Ch'zyrrm by unknown assailants, at the behest of another.

A note was found and deciphered by diligent minds, and that information made known to all.

Weather. Storms. An annoyance more than a true strike at the false King Felgaros. He and his kind may be weak, but the lands of Ayamao themselves seem to resist, bending but not breaking under our onslaught.

Matron, I believe it is time to call upon forces stronger than ourselves to educate these lands as unyielding and unbending as our will. Let them attempt to sway only to shatter instead, and create another land of eternal suffering in the image of the Lady.

"Suffering is existence"

A deafeningly loud sound resonated through the minds of all in the realms, before ending abruptly with a snap.

Prepare yourself for the coming storm, either in strength or knowledge of what is to come.

Join us from 8AM System/9AM PST/4PM GMT on Thursday, May 21st 2020 to 8PM System/9PM PST/4AM(FRI) GMT on Thursday, May 28th 2020 for a bonanza of increased experience gain and more.

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