I voted "I don't care", because it could be player-run and fleshed out in RP.
System based, you play the capture the flag game and make alliances to get your flag back, and that of your enemy, fun! Bonus here that doesn't exist in player-run settings is the loss of cabal abilities when your Relic is stolen.
Player-run, you break in to your enemy's base, post a note on their note board. Maybe your enemy does it back to you! You clash, maybe consider being respectful of their goods and remains to some degree, then RP some way to maybe remove the offending posts and RP your way to the next conflict! Bonus here, every party has their cabal abilities!
I had, and still have, an idea that I have discussed with leaders past and maybe a few present, that I will attempt to pass on to the next generation of a group, that might enable this player-run event system!
A few of you have noticed, us players can run some things too! Keep up the RP! Keep up helping the new! Above all, keep up having fun!
Always remember, at the end of the day, this is just a game. Have some fun!