As some may have noticed from the announcements, there has been a reshuffle in the pantheon. Here is where your favourite immortal is now...
Alshain - now plays Zynor (forum ID Alshain renamed to Zynor)
Sargas - now plays Alshain (forum ID Sargas renamed to Alshain)
Nashira - now plays Aludra (forum ID Nashira renamed to Aludra)
Meissa - has left us, as announced previously (forum ID renamed to 'Meissa (2003)' and disabled)
These changes were brought about by various causes, including Meissa's leaving us. If you have any questions, the immortals involved will still be available for information and questions regarding their old slots - please use the WIZLIST command in-game to address your email to both the former and current immortal in charge of your character's religion.
For details on who is looking after what, please refer to the
Announcements post by Algorab.
- Alshain, now Zynor.
PS: Zynor forum ID was renamed to 'Zynor (2002)'