Lolth is right. There are no strict guidelines. See what best fits your character. And since I'm not a fan of knowing the 100% of your rp/story when your character begins, you can decide it in the process from the experience of your shaman living in Pyrathia. For example my barb, used to see the gods as tricksters. One day they would be there to help and the next they would leave his land (ayamao) to suffer from the eastern/northern attacks. Only the spirits of his ancestors would answer his call every single time.
Lolth wrote:
It is not you who choose your totem, it is the totem that selects you, as a vessel, depending on your character qualities. There is a wonderful, IC quest for this. Look around or ask other shamans for details.
Qft. I chose (or you can say my character was chosen from) a totem that had to do with protection and strength or something similar due to his class/tribunal leadership status. In any case it enriched my rp and props to the imm who made the quest. I think it was wert. Wasn't it?