Algorab wrote:
I'm not speaking for or against the change either do you 'secretly' defend a city against attackers? From what I've seen in tribs pretty much swear to defend any time someone attacks your city before they let you in?
Tribunals don't just have to be about defending a city, y'know. There's room for more RP than just that. But, putting aside the fact that tribunals are woefully underdeveloped, having spies gathering intelligence on other nations is useful for defending a nation, albeit mostly unused.
And when I was inducted into the Peacekeepers with Eyrios, and when I led, I was never asked/asked anyone to defend the city, it was serving Taslamar. And that's much more than just defending a city. Defending our kingdom, aiding our allies, supporting the coffers, these are all things one can do without having to say to the world "Hey, I'm a Peacekeeper, guys!"
And sorry for derailing your thread, Jorinthia, but not all of this have the chance to talk about this change in the Trib forums and, well...this is the SK forum. A thread about randomness could get derailed here within five posts.