This thread's purpose is to place ideas about lowering the "grind" or "downtime" in the game for the purposes of making it more fun and possible even for people who play casually to enjoy everything that the game offers: If you have a comment about vial evaporation time or changing enchant armor, please direct it to the other thread. This thread's purpose is for people to comment on the general ideas of my "grind less" approach to changing the game and perhaps submit their own ideas, hopefully keeping the specific proposal threads cleaner.
Greetings to the immortals and playerbase.
I'll try to make this as short as I can: In my opinion there are a few things which make this game less fun to play: Players who abuse OOC information, appearances of imm favoritism, and for this post's concern, the amount of "boring" or "down" time required in order to get anything impressive done in this game. (In PvE cases, adding more people to the equation typically means less overall time, but more man-hours total) I give the deletion and player-losses of Kima and Tragonis as evidence of this.
What do I mean by this? Let me make this very clear: I'm not talking about leveling. In my opinion leveling, while boring and slow, both encourages RP for people who don't abuse OOC information for leveling spots and also encourages players to group up more with other people their level, forging relationships before the character's "maturity." No, I'm talking about enchanting, and evaporating storebought vials and scrolls: Enchanting being the definite worst of these evils.
The problem: The game currently largely favors players (in PvP especially) who spend enormous amounts of time in-game doing inane and boring tasks that have limited or perhaps negative rewards: PvP players will get rocked by someone with a > 80 enchant suit of armor, or with 15 heal potions, or with spirit aura, ironguard, protection, sanctuary, giant strength, haste potions: Often times even a skilled player who spends less time in-game will not have these things and therefore stand absolutely no chance against any player with half a brain that spends forever playing.
The solution: I'm creating two threads: One dedicated to a proposed change in enchant that would both make enchanting armor more predictable and also make enchanting take less time overall, and one dedicated to a poll lowering the crumble time on vials and scrolls (At the very least storebought vials and scrolls).
If anyone has any comments or ideas on this general concept, please post them here. Let me know if you think that this approach to changing the game is stupid, or if you think that it's something that would make the game more fun.