Kick is, as far as I have seen in several years, entirely unused in PK. Someone may come up with a rare log to disprove me, but this will still be an exception to the rule. Ten times out of ten, it seems that people would rather be blitzkrieging, headbutting, or quaffing, or disarming when they aren't tripping or bashbashbashing.
I'm not sure, however, if this is because kick is worthless, or because the bashbashbashers themselves are worthless.
If kick needs a buff to be worthwhile in PK, I'd be pretty happy about a change somewhat in the direction Ardith proposes. Kicking people higher should be *much* more difficult than kicking them lower, however, and kicking smaller, and prone people should be much easier and more effective than kicking larger and standing people.
Also, kick location should be able to be aimed with an argument (kick ardith low) or, if already in combat, (kick low) to aim at a different location than the arm attacks are going. (kick ardith) or, if already in combat (kick) should just kick in whatever direction the 'aim' is aiming.
Dex should also help people to kick much more effectively, if it doesn't already.
Also, everyone in the Fist should get kick instead of siegecraft, or in exchange for a nerf to the third-from-the-top ability.
I don't think, however, that the game needs more PK wildcards, nor do I think that we should give people rewards for choosing to play female characters. If we want to start representing gender more accurately in this game, we could start by giving every female character a non negotiable -6 to their strength limit. If we don't want to start doing this, then let's not mess with gender just to amuse the popcorn chewing cheap thrill thrillseekers with a once-in-a-lifetime "OMG LOL NUTSHOT!!!!!!!!11111one"
I'm not terribly surprised that ardith would come up with the idea that we should, however, given the maturity of his approach to the game, and being that he has never played a male character.