Uhh... you don't fail mastered spells unless you're wearing heavy armor or deaf. At least I never did.
The change from 'perfect' to 'mastered' was made because spells
do in fact fail even at that status. The % is very low, but it does happen. Usually, when you are in a dire situation and need the spell most!
With my GM sorceror, I have gate mastered, no other spells cast, and I fail gate on every attempt. Trying to get to stones from the next room is impossible. Unless I scribe and recite, then I have no trouble succeeding. When people ask for a gate, I feel like salt is being poured onto this big gaping wound.
A lot of wilderness rooms are, absurdly enough, flagged as 'warded' areas. Make sure you are sitting in a room that allows transportation through gates and that you are spelling the name of the portal stones correctly. If that doesn't work, I am at a loss.