Dulrik wrote:
Every time Zavijah has come back, it's always been a big win for the game. Between new areas, new and updated quests, weekly maintenance and interaction with mortals, Wert does it all.
Here's hoping to see you next summer.
Does this mean you can just give the man a leave of absence untill he returns. I mean S**T the mans builders guide is the most leet thing ive read and has been the standard I have judged all the areas I have walked in to. His riddles, while driveing me nuts, are also alot of fun.
If we can only get the man for three months a year, so be it, itll be like summertime for the mud when everything gets just a little bit better. Followed by the fall of him leaving, the winter of everything falling apart, and then the expectant spring of his return.

-Perhaps he should get the faith of nature too
Well Zavi/Wert you are probably the only other Imm I have interacted with ICly in any of my chars, and the only Imm I have ever seen (and knew it) looking like a wolf showing a newb around the realms.
Big Thumbs up to zavi, and big thumbs down to real life resposibilities.