Here, here, what Ilyana said. *chuckles*
SK technician: I'm sorry Mr. Dulrik Sir...
Dulrik: What is the problem?
SK technician: We've found the dreaded Cabal bug, seems the problem is the Midnight Council, we'll have to remove it from the game.
Dulrik: Really? What's the problem with the Midnight Council, I've had such hopes for them.
SK technician: Seems they are worse than any worm virus ever created. They are pervasive, invasive with an over inflated sense of worth. We should remove them from the game immediately before it spreads throughout Pyrathia.
Dulrik: Will it really help?
Endrial: Without a doubt M'Lord, we must be rid of this pest immediately.
Endrial winks at the rest of Pyrathia.
Dulrik: Well it would seem, squirrelly wrath would benefit the game.
Dulrik Invests the Talons with the power of Foamy Squirrel.
Dulrik: Squirrelly Wrath is yours Endrial, use it wisely.
Endrial: Yes M'Lord, this pest shall be eliminated.
Endrial Snickers.
SK technician gasps at what Dulrik did.
All of Pyrathia falls on the floor laughing.
Okay so as not to step on toes of the MC, this is meant as a joke. And hey, it's been a busy day at work and I've probably lost my mind today.