Ethnael wrote:
Pushing40 wrote:
Is there something with your client that causes you to go north then east?
Try typing out the whole northeast and see how that does. If it works, then there's something with your client, I'd think.
Actually Nate, this happens with my mud client, wintin. What actually happens when you type 'ne' is you walk north, then you walk east. I bit of a problem when you want to actually walk in the direction northeast. To solve it, you need to capitalize the first letter: Ne, Nw,Se, Sw. This gets old, so I made aliases for these: ne -> Ne and so on. Hope this helps.
That sounds like a quite old client or that it has been written for MuDs with only N,E,S,W directions. The original code base of DikiMud for example does not support those directions like NE,NW,SE,SW.
It's possible, that your client already has a built-in alias for typing NE making N and E. When you can find that alias you can remove it and everything should work just fine.