Scientist wrote:
There are difficult quests like the ki-Rin horn, Shelys and Sage that only give you one tick of experience now. Not worth it.
I totally share this sentiment. I can understand due to OOC consideration (of players using OOC knowledge) to complete quests can make certain quests too easy, and too rewarding, but in balance of things, I feel the rewards have been nurfed too much.
There are no associated renowns in SK for completing quests, and many quests give such tiny coins and experience rewards. The only quests/quest areas really worth visiting are left with Pilgrimiage, Craeftilin and D'Astae. Though new players aren't familiar with D'Astae, at least Pilgrimage forces Craeftilin and encourages players to explore 'the world'.
To me, quests that require puzzle/riddle solving, a little group combat, some exploration, and with the end result of something worthwhile = fun.