Don't get a sword. Worty there is slow and forgets priests don't get sword.
Other help. Go to the infirmary. There you will get healed and things like
shield and armour cast on you. Which is better than not having them.
Don't flee (It costs XP), let them stun you. Rest up and then do it again.
Yes, there are two pieces of good advice. But remember, mobiles outside the newbie area will not just simply stun you.
That's not too bad of starting stats. But let's get you fixed up here.
Have you stat trained already? (Typed train stat at the trainers?) And if so, I would maximize your con first, it determines your HP and some PE. Which is kinda important, dontcha know.
Secondly, unless you're a priest of Alshain/Dulrik/Ain/Algorab/Sargas you can't wear the heavy armor as described in help armor2. You need to stick to the light armor materials, because wearing the heavy armor will lower all your skills.
Third! You need to learn cure light asap, that is your bread and butter exp spell for several levels to come. Also, ask for a mentor (mentor command) and ask them for advice in the game. This is a surefire way of making friends and mentors are both rewarded for their assistance in the terms of mentor points and (at least if I was an imm) perhaps even RP rewards for taking their time out to help newer players.
Remember to also train skills as well as spells. Learn dagger up to the highest you can and the same goes for cure light.
When fighting, aim mid, it'll help you cut off their arms and make xp easier (they can't hit you with no arms). Learn to heal yourself (c 'cure light' between the 'rounds' of combat) as you fight, and set a wimpy of around 25 or 30% when you leave the collegium (NPCs outside there will not simply stun you). This will enable you to auto-flee and not be killed.
I wish I could honestly help you in game, but you will have to use the mentor command for that.
Please feel free to ask any more questions.