It should be a law area. It's Taslamaran territory, after all. If you get attacked there, you want to be able to report your attacker to the judge.
However, it would make some sense for the trainers not to have citizen flags, so that accidentally attacking them didn't get you outlawed.
That said, I've never accidently hit the warlock trainer myself. I can see how you might do it, but to me that's the sort of player inattention that kind of deserves a gentle slap around the back of the head by way of rebuke and lesson. Perhaps a little too harsh an attitude to take to a newbie school though? I'd grant you that as a possibility
But in answer to the original question, that would have been me. There have indeed been a number of changes to the game mechanics and the occasional builder amendments that have introduced problems since I first designed and built the place, however the blame for the "brilliant idea" Konge sarcastically refers to rests firmly with me.