ObjectivistActivist wrote:
It might also ensure that some skills/spells are never used, depending on the overall utility and desirability of each "tree."
That would be my biggest issue with it. I can totally see this becoming the next specialize where in everyone debates and whines over what is the best. The debates are so much of a problem except that it will likely be true that there will be some form of imbalance that will cause people to bi.. I mean.. reasonably complain.
I like the things being passed now that allow for some creative differences, but entire trees of skills doesn't sound so appealing to me. It really just reminds me of WoW or Guild Wars, two games I've stopped playing partially because people discriminate against "bad builds," half the time meaning that the person doesn't have the most twinked out system.
So really I'm not against the system. I'm against the people who will use it to be abusive. I won't hate seeing something like this, but I still won't cry if it never happens either.