Great job on changes 2-4. I was displeased when I saw that my n00bie started out with less money, and I think its not the brightest thing to do since a few cities have n00bie armor that can be bought to make leveling easier, but thats not my big beef now.
Dulrik wrote:
1. Pick your alignment first - Placing a premium on RP, we now make you select alignment before race or class. Before you even have a body, your soul has an aura and from that decision all else flows.
I'm not a big fan of this. Using the mind-frame of an experienced player, this was more irritating than anything else. I know enough to know the various classes available to me, and perhaps if I thought about it, I could figure out what alignment a Hellion is and then go from there. I think its stupid to display it this way to a veteran player who would already know what they're doing. Truth be told, they know what twinkish or RP combo they want, and they'll go and get it. For a n00bie, however, I think its a terrible idea. While I know the alignment of a Paladin has to be Principled, a n00bie, who wants to roll something paladin-like, might instead choose scrupulous. Consequently, they're greeted with a list of classes that has nothing like a paladin or nothing like a paladin ability set. In my experiences, at least, n00bies who aren't playing what they want are more likely to dislike the game because it "doesn't have a class it should". At the very least, if you don't change it back, you should strongly consider modifying the help files so that a n00bie who wants to roll a paladin can know they must pick the principled aura.
Dulrik wrote:
5. Kingdom restrictions - Starting kingdom choices may be affected by your choice of race or class. This is partly common-sense and partly to help out newbies. No more non-sensical griffons in Uxmal or deep-elves in Ayamao. Of course, there's nothing to stop you from emigrating later if you can convince the tribunal.
and ...
Creation Halls wrote:
Are you new to Shattered Kingdoms? [Y/N]
Here's a thought. At this point in time, you already know if said character is new to SK. So, with a high probability, you can determine their basic knowledge of the game and how they could carry themselves against the challenges they'll soon encounter. Despite this information, you categorize veterans as n00bies and treat them on the same intelligence level.
Example 1: (Character: Principled/Human/Pally) Please tell me why I can't start in the Empire or the Northern Wastes? This, more than anything else, makes the least amount of sense. One Paladin, in particular, strikes me as a good example of someone who came out of the North and had a very good RP for it. This could never happen again because of this change.
Example 2: (Miscreant/Delf/Warlock) Not being allowed to start in Ayamao makes sense. They have that place pretty well locked down so a deep-elf enrolling in their training school is dumb. But why can't I start in Taslamar? Many Taslamar leaders over the last couple RL years (which is what, 200+ IC years?) have allowed deep-elves to roam in Taslamar as long as they don't cause trouble. It isn't illogical to see a deep-elf in Taslamar - especially since it touts itself as the city of the exiles. Why can't a deep-elf be exiled from his home? To investigate into this further, I just rolled a Miscreant/Human/Warlock and was able choose Taslamar as a starting city. From this, we can conclude that you're only restricting deep-elves from starting there. Not only does this exclusion make 0 logical sense, but how is a miscreant deep-elf any more evil than a diabolic human?
For a n00bie, these changes make sense. For a veteran, this is one of the dumbest things you could do. In essence, you've just restricted some of the more creative RP paths people can take and helped to ensure characters are even more cookie-cutter than before.