I read the other thread Dulrik and responded, but I'll repeat the main points here and elaborate.
As I said in the other thread, I understand your reasoning behind the current change. You want to stress RP and that is laudable. I approve of this type of thinking and I'm glad to see you stressing it. This particular change, however, does so at the sacrifice of allowing new players to know what all their options are in the creation hall race and class wise and I guarentee you that newbies are far more interested in what races and classes and combinations thereof you have available than what alignments you can be.
To complain that alignment was restricted after race class would be laughable and that's why no one complained D. I mean, diabolic paladin? Evil elves? The reason no one complained is because this was a logical progression and intuitive to character creation. You picked your sex and then you saw every possible option available to you race wise. You then saw every possible option available to you profession wise. It was then logical that your profession limits your alignment such as necromancers can only be diabolic. Every single D&D game out there has you pick your alignment after your race and class for this very same reason. (Yes, I know SK is not D&D, but I'm just pointing out that this is an established player friendly system for a reason.)
The current system makes you pick your alignment which automatically knocks out options no matter what alignment you choose. Choosing any light aura alignment first eliminates delves, hellions, necromancers automatically. Grey eliminates griffons, elves, delves, hellions, paladins, necromancers. So on and so forth. A new player to the mud might wish to know all of their options up front and may be disappointed after picking miscreant that they can't be a necromancer.
If you're adamant about the order, then you need to have your minions edit the helpfiles for all the races, professions, and alignments. I would be perfectly fine with the current creation hall order if only, when I was a soul, I could type help profession, look at the list and then type help hellion and then under what you already have written for hellion, have it say something like "abberant alignment only. Available races centaur, delf, dwarf, human, helf, and minotaur (shameless cry for minotaur hellions). All the professions should be done this way. All the races files should have all the available professions to that race with griffons and elves stating that they must be either principled or scrupulous and the delf file stating that they must be diabolic, aberrant, or miscreant.
Then each profession needs to have either "all alignments available or only diabolic, only aberrant, only principled."
Just adding those things to the helpfiles, which really should have been there this whole time, would silence any complaints anyone could possibly have about your new creation hall order.
See, I don't think you're wrong at all. I just think that you need to put the finishing touches on a few helpfiles to clear up all confusion.