Kirsenvar wrote:
I think thats a lame reason to delete, maybe i'm just used to dying.
I actually hate all your characters I meet, but Hesbra, I liked a lot. I had a full suit of skins for you but then Aradan told me you had left to the river, I liked that RP you did when you asked Carvahall back for his shield, somehow it ended up with everyone in the room killing Asraya, always good!
Don't go dark, they got lots of people, roll a keeper!
I been meaing to make a keeper for a long time. I hope I don't sound like I'm being real harsh on the Hammer either there's some quality Hammers out there too.
Ah, I donno why we don't ge along Kirsenvar we're often on the same team and poised to good friends, we have the same friends, all that stuff it just never comes around that way. All I can say though is finally killing Rhett with Semli after all our sparring over and over was real fun.