First player that helped me was the player of Katrina, some elven priestess of Meissa back in the days of Alelya. She basically got me into SK so she helped quite a bit to understand basic commands and stuff.
First real mentor though, when it came to mechanics, was plastic_chochi who played Eindal. ICly a mentor to my first real character and he helped quite a bit with OOC stuff, like what are numbers and stats in SK and stuff in a nice IC way mostly. Basic things back then, but I consider them a huge step compared to the complete noob that I was before.
After that I've got myself understanding SK more through several players' advices, but I guess most important impact had Tragonis as Heldorian when I played Dakog. Basically I understood the enchant system with him(and the 23412414 skins he has enchanted, sry Tragonis
