First I'd like to make clear that I don't really care if melee classes or weapons are going to be nerfed. Probably is for the best or again maybe not (definitely for the best of my character

). What is funny though is that everyone and his mother try to twink their character, get every bit of him, be "stronger" than their opponents and when they make it they come here to complain (it's not for you finney, I don't even know your current character).
I mean it's like the hacker/computer security officers issue. The hackers will always be ahead. Same here. The twinkers will always be one step ahead from dulrik. What if Navelic is good playing his character? He has played 100 barbs and another 200 mercs. Yeah he deserves to be good. I don't know any other giant in the game right now who deals about the same dmg. Dulrik proposed nerfing the weapons. I'd be happy with that. But actually no. Not as long there is a chance that I have to fight an inner guardian with 3 relics.
Forget the inner guardian. I don't want to see another 8789790 qq threads for the con or guardian NPCs, or bounty hunters or whatever about their hide, their hp, etc etc. after a nerf. Check your logs when an ultra buffed party goes into a headquarter and how many rounds they need to kill not the guardians but 5-6 spawned guards.
I also don't mind for the warriors dealing great dmg as long as there are spells like sleep, petrification, interdict, finger of death, summon, charm and other that can own any class instantly. The only thing that looks broken to me is the bash/rest modifier dmg.
The bonus dmg for weaknesses is fine too. In most cases if you want to take advantage of a weakness now you have to lower your standards and choose worse material and/or subtype. For example cold iron instead of adamantite or longsword instead of a khopesh or elemental orbs instead of adam 1h and adam shield, or sling (yes sling) instead of spear etc etc. If you change this none will bother using a weapon to take advantage of a vulnerability. Not that many do now.