Dark-Avenger wrote:
Wimp the loot then.
Don't add more adam/energy/water/diamond khopeshes for example. Especially if they have phat scripts. No more battlespears either. Start adding less "elite" subtypes, and give them good materials and scripts. This will force people to make mercs specced in these types of weapons. What swashie wouldn't consider using dual energy epees if they had a script similar to the coils of enslavement? What merc wouldn't consider using an adamantite bullwhip that gave him shield/sanctuary/frenzy?
I was saying that a few years now, but builders always wanted to change everything to what is really elite. Do you remember when the archangel swords were longswords and lighties QQed and turned them into khopeshes? Do you remember when Iron Citadel was changed? The spiral wires were kamas then and khopeshes with HP regen scripts were added.
Generally, SK has lost a lot of its playerbase. The loot that is around is enough to decently(at least - usually it's superbly) dress everyone's main character. None is left lootless.
Your idea reeks of failure.
Besides you're saying make less elite loot and make more elite loot at the same time.
Just look at the spiral wires. The damage they do is inferior because they are the rapier subtype. Even though they have scripts that make them very attractive, swashbucklers don't tend to use them because the damage the rapier subtype outputs is utter trash. Give an increase to the bottom tier and a decrease to the upper tier, a pinch, really, and more experimentation and a wider array of weapons will be used.
Adding scripts isn't going to make a weapon more attractive when it already sucks.