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Are humans by -far and away- the best melee race in the game?
Yes, your an idiot for not making a human warrior. 61%  61%  [ 20 ]
No, cold iron vials are sold everywhere. 39%  39%  [ 13 ]
Total votes : 33
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 4:48 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 04, 2002 8:43 am
Posts: 200
Location: Central New Jersey
Goldlantern wrote:
I repeat: If you give a mouse a cookie...

^I haven't got a clue what that means, did you mean to post that somewhere where people care?

Anyway, to the powers that be: if you want to run tests with an organic GM Griff barb in the prime of his life, contact me and I'll be glad to help as I can. N_G

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 5:59 am 

Joined: Sat Jul 08, 2006 9:27 am
Posts: 154
Goldlantern just meant that with reference to Min's post about Makaars. Dulrik gave us a cookie (minotaurs) and now instead of being sated we're just asking for more (Makaars).

Wow you guys are on edge!

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:16 am 

Joined: Wed May 05, 2004 1:58 am
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Location: Athens, Greece
... and I agree with GL.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 6:36 am 

Joined: Mon Feb 17, 2003 9:55 pm
Posts: 1365
Sorry that this post on griffon power-ups is a bit off-topic, but it is a hot-button of mine. Feel free to skip over if you aren't interested.

Personally, I don't mind that griffons are fragile. How would you expect a contest between fur-and-feathers and the best magical crafting to go? It's just that they need some different ways to make a positive contribution. If programming changes could be made by a wish, I'd make three changes to their innates. (Besides fixing resistances, that is.)

First, I'd slightly improve their claws and hide at Master+. Griffons don't need heaps of free MP, but they should have some natural defense against trivial stuff like kick. (My griffons often took more damage from the naga tail sweeps in the demon city than from the normal attacks.) Also, griffons who sacrifice reaching weapons could use a little more combat-damage as reward.

Second, I'd create a new innate "Read Magic". This would let griffons use scrolls of no more than half their level, or provide a modest bonus to the scroll and scribe skills if they have them. The idea is to give griffons more defensive/utility prep opportunities. (Some increased power has to be prep-dependent, or lazy players like me will never play anything else.) I doubt that 25th-level scrolls will be PK-effective offensively. If I'm wrong, we could always tone this down more.

Third, I'd create a new innate "Flight Mastery". This would give griffons bonuses while in the air, weighted toward high-levels. I'd look at minor bonuses to dodge, and huge bonuses to reflex. (No griffon can afford to load up on reflex.) I'd also reduce their movement lag while flying, so they actually get something for the PE they spend on natural flight. Finally, this would give only heavy-armor griffons a "dive" attack for some extra damage when unarmed. Griffons get little from heavy-armor otherwise. This might make griffon barbarian and battlepriest players feel less foolish, anyway.

I think this is a good picture of griffons: mentally capable, good feral fighters, and superior mounts - all while retaining a sensible fragility in a world of magicans and metal-users. YMMV.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:09 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2003 4:02 pm
Posts: 748
Half-elves should have their iron weakness removed. Deep-elves and Elves should have their iron weakness reduced to 1.25% the damage. Sprites should have iron weakness removed entirely, or atleast dropped down to 1.25%, taking double damage from blunt attacks like giant fists, and from iron is just a joke. The entire issue really is that iron weaknesses are completely imbalanced. It really shouldn't be as easy as getting an iron weapon to beat these races, not to mention most npcs in the game that are armed, use iron weapons, and all the guards in the game. Otherwise these races could use some insane racial buffs to make up for such a huge disadvantage. One thing to keep in mind is that resistance buffs while slightly useful, are in no way shape or form going to make up for taking hugely increased damage for iron. Some human can go out and get 2 requested wristbands and get the same resistance buffs elves get, so resistance bonus's really are a drop in the bucket compared to taking double damage from half the weapons in the game.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:22 am 

Joined: Sun Nov 30, 2003 9:36 pm
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Location: Harrisburg, PA
I disagree that most npcs use iron weapons.

Perhaps it contains iron, but they are not iron/cold iron. The majority I've found actually use stone or some other material that gets through ironguard to make warlocks even harder to level :roll:

Also, you can edit your poll and fix your 'cold iron' flasks, can't you?

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:45 am 

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What I said is a reference to two things, one being Minette's makaar request.

The other, is that griffons have had THE MOST work done to them of any race in sk over the past 6 years. Anyone remember what griffons were like originally? Absolutely no crap for them whatsoever? Yet people still played them. Griffons now have shops devoted excusively for them where they can buy crap, they now have weapons that they can use (they sure as hell didn't have them before), and they have innate toughness, which they didn't have before. They got extra stat points, too (though this is of limited use since Dulrik keeps pushing mentoring) Of course though, that isn't enough.

Half-elves don't need work, they actually make better scouts than humans. I don't think griffons need work either. Continuing to say that griffons need work, is like continuing to say that Canada still needs to have a warship.

EDIT: Fixed the allusion to reflect something that can more easily be seen as humor, lol.

Last edited by Goldlantern on Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:50 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 31, 2003 4:02 pm
Posts: 748
Stop saying half-elvs make better anything than humans. They possibly make better casters, when aged twice. In any class that gets targetted alot ur better off as a human. Like I said about hellions, half-elves are nearly exactly the same as humans except they get slightly more charisma, and lower constitution. Other than that they are exactly the same, except they take 1.5x as much damage as humans. So unless you counting the charisma bonus as something huge, which is absolutly isn't on scouts, than humans are 1.5x as good as half-elves. I mean really, how can you even make a post claiming half-elves are better than humans? Thats ridiculous. To claim that 2 points of charisma makes up for taking 1.5x as much damage on backstabs, cleaves, charges, ambushes and just plain getting targetted by a merc with a bspear is absolutly outlandish. You obviously didn't really weigh the two out before you made your post.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 9:46 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:18 pm
Posts: 1704
Goldlantern wrote:
What I said is a reference to two things, one being Minette's makaar request.

The other, is that griffons have had THE MOST work done to them of any race in sk over the past 6 years. Anyone remember what griffons were like originally? Absolutely no crap for them whatsoever? Yet people still played them. Griffons now have shops devoted excusively for them where they can buy crap, they now have weapons that they can use (they sure as hell didn't have them before), and they have innate toughness, which they didn't have before. They got extra stat points, too (though this is of limited use since Dulrik keeps pushing mentoring) Of course though, that isn't enough.

Half-elves don't need work, they actually make better scouts than humans. I don't think griffons need work either. Continuing to say that griffons need work, is like continuing to say that the NAACP still needs to exist.

Not even going to bother responding to the 'make better scouts than humans' line or the 'I dont think griffons need work either'. I will leave arguing over SK mechanics/best race/class combos to those who care a bit more. But wtf, learn a little bit about what the NAACP still does before you make uneducated retardo statements. Are you even American?

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:04 am 

Joined: Wed Feb 27, 2002 4:00 pm
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You will never get Makaar as a playable race because they are animals. They don't have even sub-human intelligence.

Also, while I know Goldlantern is of the appropriate race to be able to make negative remarks about the NAACP, racial remarks, like politics, are something that has no place on these forums.

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