Konge wrote:
Bless and prayer are both morale bonuses, and thus, do not stack in the specific instances where they overlap.
I always thought they did stack..
Mainly because the affects in the wholist overlap.
o Affect: 'prayer' - morale bonus to reflex
o Affect: 'prayer' - morale bonus to willpower
o Affect: 'prayer' - morale bonus to fortitude
o Affect: 'prayer' - morale bonus to weapon damage
o Affect: 'prayer' - morale bonus to probability to hit
Will Become
o Affect: 'bless' - morale bonus to willpower
o Affect: 'bless' - morale bonus to probability to hit
o Affect: 'prayer' - morale bonus to reflex
o Affect: 'prayer' - morale bonus to fortitude
o Affect: 'prayer' - morale bonus to weapon damage
If they stack, why don't they stack in the affects list instead of overlapping like this?