yoru wrote:
Redman wrote:
we have gods not God, they are individual entities that are not omnipresent (otherwise the immstaff would be really overworked.) Gods LEND there favor, or in other words grant a small amount of power to their disciples, it can be taken away, at that point you are severed from your diety you are left without all his cool blessings.
Everything has a spirit, at least that is how I see it, shaman are in tune with the spirits that surround us so they should be able to get some chit chat from them at some point and time. Ancestors come and grant favors, but ancestrial lines can go on and on and on and on, so the likelyhood that you would find a couple of them giving you favor is pretty likely.
I have great discussions with christians on the matter. You have to look at your mythology and try and put some sense to it.
You also have to know that each priest prays to ONE God/Goddess for your life when you request a rezz. So, in your words, if said God/Goddess is not around, you should get no [REDACTED].
And you have to look at your objectivity issues when you try to make an argument.
Are you illeterate or stupid?
Read the line of
Gods LEND there favor, or in other words grant a small amount of power to their disciples, it can be taken away, at that point you are severed from your diety you are left without all his cool blessings.
Make it simple, priest oges "I serve you" god goes " Here take this mystical ring of power" priest has a portion of gods power.
Shaman goes "I need power" spirits show up and go "Let us help" deed is done shaman goes "Sweet thanks my peeps!" spirits go "No prob homie!"
Gods lend power, spirits show up, read the message spirit aura gives you sometime.