American Heritage Dictionary
pan·the·ism (pān'thē-ĭz'əm)
A doctrine identifying the Deity with the universe and its phenomena.
Belief in and worship of all gods.
pan'the·ist n., pan'the·is'tic, pan'the·is'ti·cal adj., pan'the·is'ti·cal·ly adv.
Game Help:
[Religion help] Pantheist
Characters start out their lives knowing that the gods exist and that there
are people throughout the realms that serve those gods. This basic awareness
of gods that are so often manifested in the realms is known as Pantheism.
Unless you dedicate your soul to serving one specific god or goddess, you
are said to be a Pantheist, observing all gods.
See also: religion
A pantheist observes all gods, knows they are their superiors, and when they are manifested is to RP like they worship them all though they might not be a devoted follower of the god that manifests itself, or of any god at all. There is some small amount of worship rp that players are suppose to follow for all the gods reguardless if they are devoted to an individual one or not.
As a pantheist a god maybe willing to return you to life because you are to observe them in a small way, but he may not be willing to grant you the same protection he would give to people who devote their life to him. The god would want to protect his followers from harm, as a blessing of thanks for their time spent worshiping him and aiding in the spread of his influence around the world. If they are not protected by the one they worship, who will?
American Heritage Dictionary
sha·man (shä'mən, shā'-)
n. A member of certain tribal societies who acts as a medium between the visible world and an invisible spirit world and who practices magic or sorcery for purposes of healing, divination, and control over natural events.
Game Help
Shamans are the holy people of the barbarian tribes that roam the wilderness.
They worship the spirits of their ancestors instead of the gods, but receive
potent spells of both offensive and defensive natures for their devotion. The
special powers of the shaman are tied to their close contact with the spirit
world, but their close contact with barbarians also strengthens their skills in
the arts of war.
Shaman's are the medium between the spirits and the physical world. Their spirits guide them, protect them, and direct them in life. Much like how the gods protect their devoted, the spirits protect theirs. There is no reason why the spirits couldn't use the same skills or spells to protect a shaman like the gods use because the spirits ARE the shamans god.
I feel that shamans and barbarians should have a seperate religion tag from everyone else to clear this up. They should be forbidden from being able to join any religion because they are suppose to be devoted to the spirits, which is suppose to be their god. The new religion tag would be there in order to block them from investments.
In return, and I expect to hear a lot of crying about this, spells like spirit aura should no longer be useable by anyone other then a barbarian or a shaman because no one else worships the spirits like they do. Spirit aura should also be able to be casted on a barbarian. Priests get faith related spells, and spirit aura should be the shamans version of the priest spells.
The shaman should be able to keep protection since they are protected by the spirits, but I'm neutral on the idea of them losing sanctuary. SA is a protection spell that is available to shamans only, and sanctuary could go the way as a protection spell for priests mainly. My only thing I have against it is that SA is like the bonus spell that each priest gets depending on what faith they join, so in the name of balance I'd let shamans keep sanctuary because it wouldn't make sense to me to let priests have protection, sanc, and 1 other bonus (yes I know the bonus spells don't have the same protections of SA) and then only let shamans have protection, SA, and no third spell. SA would need a large buff to make up the differance, or another additional spell would have to be given to shamans, a lesser version of sanctuary or something to make up the differance of the priests bonus spell and extra protection. Perhaps give SA an additional protection value of sanctuary on top of what it does already, but don't make it so it protects someone from being attacked.
Lastly, for everyone else, there should be an advantage for joining a faith and a disadvantage. One advantage of joining a faith is the obvious symbol stat bonus. I would also add another advantage and that would be that any potion brewed by your faiths priest would have some sort of beneficial affect. Maybe the heal spells that are brewed for you, or casted on you by the same faiths priest are a little bigger then normal or something else along those lines.
The disadvantage is that the said follower would have to use brewed items by their faiths priests only, and can not use anyone elses. This would be also the advantage for not being in a faith because people who are not in any faith would be allowed to use anyones brewed vials, but would not get that little extra bit to a heal that the devoted guy would, or he wouldn't get what ever other bonus someone comes up with that the devoted guy got.
Barbarians would be allowed to use anyone's brewed vials, but would receive a bonus if a shaman makes it. This is to make up for the lack of symbol stat bonus that following a faith gives. Barbarians would suffer from the same disadvantages as a devoted if shamans were given their own special symbol. If sanctuary is taken away from shamans and becomes priest only, barbarians would also lose the ability to have sanctuary casted on them ONLY if shaman spells are balanced out to make up the differance in the loss of sanctuary, such as in my example earlier.
I know I left out paladins and hellions in my post, but they would be sumed up with the priests and devoted in my ideas and explanations. This is just some thoughts I've had while this whole topic has gone round and round.