Here is a scenario:
Your fighting some NPCs. Because you want to participate in the battle, you dirt/kick/trip the NPC. You get low on HP and even lower on PE...but before the last battle is over, you get poisoned. You try and sleep, but the poison does to much damage to try and sleep through. So you have no choice but to flee to a city. However, you dont' have enough PE to recall. So can you wait long enough? No, your HP is falling to quickly and PE regen is to slow. So you rush to leave. You get close to a city, your HP and PE getting really low. And two spaces from the city, you come across a relatively weak aggro NPC. You kill it, but now from the basic PE loss from having several attacks per round, you have pretty much no PE left...and your HP is falling from the poison still. Then one space from the city, you come across another aggro your PE is gone, you only get one swing per round, so it takes forever to kill the NPC...your health is almost gone, but you can't flee cause of the lack of PE, you hope you will kill the NPC before your HP is gone, but wait, it doesn't matter, because the poison just stunned you. NPC leaves, for some reason, and you are laying there stunned. Now all you can do is wait for the next tick to kill you.
This just seems really screwed up to me. Could this have been prevented, yeah...but like others have said, how many newbies have left the game because of crap like this? Refresh potions cost a fortune to keep a steady supply. Having someone train with you all the time is unrealistic...I can live with most of these changes, if the regen rate was faster...but when it takes longer to refill my PE than my HP...something is wrong...