People have to stack int mods to counter a singular skill by a singular class, then. Also, taunt still lands often despite group modifiers.
The increased +to hit and damage is only a minor consolation, really, and of zero consolation to non-warrior classes. It's also just further proof of taunt being transformed from a tanking skill to an all-class BoG nimbus skill, which is absurd.
I understand that swashies get very few skills. The answer is not a superbuff to their current ones, but that seems to be the route taken. Just because they are lacking in command abilities does not mean it isn't compensated for by the strength of their automatic abilities. Maybe they can't bash people, but they are excellent at what they do in melee. Honestly, compare what a barb can do in a combat to swash. It isn't that much different. Bash, berserk, rescue(?) pretty much covers the gamut. They can use more weapon types (ooo) but they can't use ranged weapons/skirmish. The only thing they have more of is utility skills like track, awareness, butcher, etc. Maybe a swash could use more of those.
Once again, the dynamic of the game is basically upset by an ability like this, since every other class relies on melee-centric abilities (bash, trip, spirit horde) from themselves or NPCs to stun.
You might argue that, if taunt is OP, why doesn't everybody play a swash? First of all, buffing taunt has not changed the fundamental problem of the swash: they are a [REDACTED] boring class with mostly automatic skills. As I said, buffing their few skills does not make them any more interesting as a class. If you want to make swashes more interesting, give them more skills and possibilities. Originally, swashes were simply inferior to the other warrior classes without finesse. Finesse was a simplistic basket buff that made them much nastier and on par, but they are still a boring class.
Taunt was nothing more than a shallow change to increase their "interest" by giving them an insanely effective skill in PK. But it has screwed with the way this game is played a little too much, imo, and needs to be changed. And swashes could use something to spice them up.
Swashes were originally trashy because of the things they didn't have from finesse. So they made yet another automatic skill for swashes that addressed all of this. There is more that should be done to make them more unique and interesting, but taunt also just needs a re-vamp.
Last edited by Enishi on Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.