Threnody wrote:
The root of the problem is that death simply doesn't mean enough in SK. It isn't RPed by most as anything more than a passing nuisance. Few priests of late demand anything more than "You died? Ok, hold on, poof!" So if people want to push their enemies, the only true inconvenience is to junk everything, which is solely an ooc nuisance. The fact that it is given more weight than the killing itself, ICly, is just...sad. Achernar should be outraged.
This was posted in a Jlooting thread in which I whole heartedly agree with what some have said. The thing with death is you can't make it too harsh on a player because that makes it too difficult to enjoy the game. On that thought, you can't make it too easy either or else you have our current situation, or in other words, people who aren't afraid of death no matter what happens. Their characters simply don't fear the river or anything, so a new method of griefing is introduced, aka JLoot. Anywho Jlooting isn't the point of this thread.
Pool your ideas together, what can we do to make death meaningful? With the existence of a resurrection spell being so available, how do you make death actually be something that someone should fear? Ideas? Comments? Share em here!
I personally believe that priests who are willing to just flat out resurrect anyone with minimal RP are the cause. People no longer have to work for resurrections, instead it's as was said above. "Oh you died?" [poof] "Give thanks." And they're on their way. While I'm not saying this is bad RP..
Perhaps make it so a person can't be resurrected so many times a day. That way they will HAVE to spend time in the river and can't just automatically be spam killed or such. Say..I dunno, two resurrections per day on a soul. Resurrection after all, is pulling a soul out of the river, so it could be that it takes a heavy toll on it. With your enemy out of the picture for the day, would Jlooting then be absolutely necessary?
Thoughts? Ideas? Share your comments!